Example sentences of "i used [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I used to teach .
2 I used to teach Italian architecture many years ago and , I do n't know , I like it there I suppose . ’
3 There I had been present at the celebrations marking the Golden Jubilee of St Joseph 's College , Sasse , ( pronounced Sassay ) , where I used to teach .
4 One young man I used to teach said to me : ‘ You do n't need to teach me when to applaud and when to shut up .
5 I used to teach the young coppers afterwards .
6 I did n't see it but when I was presented with the job advert from a local newspaper the words leapt out at me : ‘ Lecturer : Special needs ’ in the college in the borough where I used to teach before becoming a peripatetic home teacher for pre-school children .
7 We have few secondary schools such as I used to teach in nowadays .
8 " I used to teach , " said Mrs Denham , " but I was always so afraid of being boring that I could never talk for long enough .
9 ‘ When I was a boy in Harlan County we were real poor and every morning I used to wake up and look out of my bedroom window at this mountain called Gray 's Knob .
10 I used to wake him up in the night saying : ‘ I 'm never going to give you a baby — what 's wrong with me ?
11 And I used to wake up like two feet off my bed , like I du n no my , my body
12 So now I always and so I , I 'm thinking that it might be that , that I that erm maybe you know like I used to be anxious about something like that and I used to wake up and the dream used to happen , but now that I 've double checked that I know for sure that , that I 'm safe you know for the night it does n't happen any more by cutting off possibility
13 I 've had some weird dreams , I used to wake up and think wow that was a dream .
14 See we had a fire right in the middle of the cabin and I used to chuck this here er flock mattress on the table and the blankets over the old flock pillow and go to sleep that way .
15 You know , Joe ’ — he leant towards him now , a wide grin spreading over his face — ‘ I used to wet me pants every Sunday morning .
16 When I was at Notts County , I used to score more goals in the second half of the season .
17 I used to squeeze my spots but my step-sister used to love to do it .
18 I used to miss my mother and father dreadfully when I was younger , and now I feel a certain amount of guilt that I need them so little , think of them so seldom .
19 I used to listen to other children describing holidays in Bournemouth or Butlin 's or Benidorm , and not wanting to feel out of it I used to invent mine because I had never been anywhere !
20 Then I used to feed her and I did n't let her have any water when she was hot cos that give them colic , you see , sometimes .
21 Well , we did all sorts of things , I get , well , Peg and I used to feed the cattle .
22 The responses were later grouped into three categories : ( a ) never smoker — ‘ I have never smoked a cigarette , not even a puff ’ ; ( b ) tried but stopped — ‘ I have only ever tried smoking once or twice but I do n't smoke now , ’ or ‘ I used to smoke sometimes but I do n't smoke now ’ ; ( c ) current smoker — ‘ I smoke sometimes but I do n't smoke as much as one cigarette a week ’ or ‘ I usually smoke between one and six cigarettes a week , ’ or ‘ I usually smoke more than six cigarettes a week . ’
23 I used to smoke as much smack as I could lay me hands on .
24 I used to smoke at school , but I do n't smoke now , I 've not smoked since I left school !
25 I used to smoke , but I just stopped smoking altogether
26 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
27 Used to go down , well I used to be down every night , rubbing the salt in this , to make the bacon and I had a smokehouse down the yard where I used to smoke the bacon .
28 I used to smoke heavy
29 I used to clean for his granny , old Mrs Fountains-Abbott , before I married your dad .
30 And I used to clean birds , poultry you know pheasants and things like that .
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