Example sentences of "i felt [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I mean I felt once I got going , it just seemed to flow naturally .
2 I 'm taking flushes and whatever but I feel brand new compared to what I felt before I had a hysterectomy cos I was totally lifeless !
3 I felt that on this particular piece it did struggle through the heartwood at times , especially on the figure 's right-hand side as this was extremely hard in places , with dense interlocking grain where a branch or branches had formed .
4 I felt that the world and everything in it was benign , that Alison was infinitely precious and that Dummett 's argument from value — that we know there is right and wrong — to a transcendent being was certainly sound .
5 I felt that if I looked back early the mud pool would blush and say ‘ pardon ’ .
6 I felt that this was a very brief phase and if I did n't cash in on it now , I was n't going to get the chance again .
7 He 's a fabulous guy and very funny , but it took a long time , and I do n't take credit for it , but it took a long time to put him in a situation where I felt that he was at maximum ‘ comfortableness ’ , so that his shyness — and he was very shy — was overcome .
8 That was what caused the hysteria and enthusiasm and so , I felt that if the band on stage was at least so close to his sense of humour that he felt comfortable with them , if the crew and all the support system was so strong that he could relax enough to enjoy the crowd , only then would it get magnetic and spontaneous .
9 I can hardly remember the first time I felt that we loved each other .
10 Nevertheless , I felt that an open inquiry should be the aim .
11 Like you now , I felt that I might never come back .
12 I felt that hidden eyes must be observing us from behind bushes and tree-trunks .
13 In that cold war atmosphere that was mingled with the chill dictatorship of Franco , I felt that the American ‘ innocents ’ of Henry James 's novels had become the sophisticated manipulators his Europeans had once appeared to be .
14 Occasionally I felt that a policeman or a plain-clothes dick was looking rather too intently into my face .
15 I felt that he was beginning to soften towards me .
16 We were a one-parent family , and as I had to work full-time , I felt that a dog would only add to my problems .
17 Personally , I felt that my greengrocer 's excitement over the vegetable content of this story had overpowered his moral judgement , so I binned it .
18 It was something I felt driven to do — even if most of the time I felt that I was just faking it .
19 So I felt that our heritage was basically a spiritual heritage … .
20 There was a time when I felt that the Free Church could present a broader appeal to the Protestant people , while there was greater harmony among the unionist parties as such .
21 Tech-Green and Naturotech were both phenomena that evolved from that changing consciousness , but I felt that science was still too much the province of logic and order .
22 For a fraction of a second I felt that life itself was no longer endurable .
23 I felt that I was being turned inside out .
24 He yawned as he did it , and banged about a bit , so I felt that I had to go .
25 I felt that I was looking right into the worms of pain in his skull , but they turned into slugs trying to eat their own tails .
26 Then I felt that people cared about me , and that I could ask things of them , ask their advice .
27 Underneath I felt that my life was a weird cocktail of huge , secret binges and hidden stashes of food , and late-night trips to the off-licence to buy vast amounts of chocolate and crisps .
28 I felt that what I was really talking about was my confusion over what I want , what I like and what I do n't like .
29 I did n't go back to school after coming out of hospital , I felt that all that potential had gone ; I just stayed at home watching ‘ Rainbow ’ and ‘ Play School ’ .
30 I felt that I could n't endure any more .
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