Example sentences of "i was listen " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been making some records but they were n't successful and for the first few weeks after I 'd met him and decided to work with him , I was listening to songs that he 'd written , and was in the process of writing , and came to the conclusion that he was not essentially a singles artist .
2 It was there all the time but I had turned my back upon it in a sense , so when I got converted , and of course I was listening to the Big Man 's comments on events and I recognized the validity of what he was saying .
3 Yet the other day I was listening to an eminent conductor whose Bruckner is often much praised reaching a triple forte long before what is to me self-evidently the work 's pivotal climax .
4 I was listening to the same genial , slow voice with which the American gentleman had charmed many since his arrival and yet it now contained something unmistakably covert .
5 I was listening to the two in the back working their way through a typical RAF ditty with the repetitive chorus of , ‘ There 's only one bar — BOO !
6 FOR EXAMPLE , LAST WEEK I WAS LISTENING to my favourite recorded of Paganini 's First Violin Concerto , which I have treasured for many years , largely due to the soloists extraordinary playing .
7 But , of course , it does n't always work ; I was listening to my second recording of the Liszt Sonata about a year ago , and found things there that did not satisfy me .
8 A few moments later , balloon of armagnac in hand , I was listening to Dennis recount with great self-satisfaction how he 'd come by the priceless spirit , when our attention was drawn by the sound of running water from the kitchen .
9 I was listening . ’
10 I mean , these were people I was listening to when I was kid , and then suddenly I 'm having dinner with Carl Perkins !
11 But gosh , I was listening to everybody , jazz guitarists like Tal Farlow … ’
12 ‘ After the Smiths I had been playing the guitar for a few years and I was listening to things like Aztec Camera and Orange Juice .
13 So I was probably enjoying British progressive rock at the same time I was listening to American jazz . ’
14 ‘ I started playing guitar when I was fourteen , ’ says Rowland , ‘ and I was listening to people like Roxy Music and David Bowie .
15 I was listening to weird stuff like Iron Butterfly when I was , like , still learning my alphabet !
16 I was listening to that ! ’
17 I was listening , truly I was , and I 'm sorry you feel foolish . ’
18 He said : ‘ I was with him when the call came in to do the video so I was listening to the call , although I was minding my own business .
19 We began to discuss what should be done and how I would manage to support the children , and if , from time to time , I had the feeling that something was wrong , it was only in a distant , elusive way , as if I was listening to someone playing a piano on the other side of the road and hearing occasionally , but only occasionally , a wrong note .
20 In some ways wh I , I , I heard , I was listening to a description on Saturday at the serials and I must admit I thought to myself mm
21 always spread a and I I was listening to or or during a programme and it said er , we 're always told how firms are going down the shoot !
22 I was listening suddenly .
23 He pointed out that whether I was listening to a lecture , writing an exam , taking in the instructions of a track coach , studying in silence , reading a book , writing an essay or a report , or laying down the law in a pub , communication was operative .
24 The other side of that is that I was listening to Medicine Now on Radio Four , and they 've got a device where they you actually have er an earpiece put into your ear and it clicks continuously .
25 I was listening engrossed to the woman I was walking to work with , who the night before had found two night-screws stretched out on the desk in a passionate embrace when she 'd gone downstairs to the office to ask for a Tampax .
26 His eyes shone as he spoke of his great purpose in life , and I was listening , fascinated , so neither of us heard the light footsteps approaching the cottage along the grassy path .
27 I was listening .
28 I do n't believe I was listening to her very closely .
29 I was listening carefully to the Hon. Lady before the Hon. Gentleman intervened .
30 Those G Ps told me , I thought I was listening to my own speeches to be honest , from about a year or two ago .
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