Example sentences of "i had long " in BNC.

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1 I had long wished to bring National Service to an end .
2 A few readers may remember that I had long ago arranged to spend two days drawing cartoons for children in the Navan shopping centre .
3 It confirmed , and I had long suspected as much , that bream do in fact have a leader .
4 I had long ago sworn never again to write ‘ another person 's ’ book , but that was when I had felt hale and hearty , which was no longer the case .
5 It was an excitement that matched my own , for I had never sailed the South Seas and I had long dreamed of that scatter of tiny , magically named islands strewn across one third of a globe .
6 By the time we had drunk our third bottle of wine Ellen and I had long reached New Zealand and were already sailing north towards New Caledonia .
7 I had long been a believer in voluntary euthanasia , and my mother 's experience strengthened it ; for to me what matters most is not the length of a person 's life but its quality , and that death , when it comes , should have dignity .
9 I had long been in favour of CVRs but like many other people I was very dissatisfied with the quality , particularly the clarity of the only really useful part of the recording — that from the area microphone on the first channel .
10 I had long wanted to visit St Kilda , and the opportunity of at least seeing the islands came when I was invited to join a National Trust cruise as a lecturer and sort of — ‘ general helper ’ .
11 However , when I took to hanging about in the new house , when I watched her while she chatted to her staff and guests , or entertained the local burghers , or genteelly remonstrated with her suppliers and various tradesmen over the phone , I began to see this seeming tact as an extension of that complicity I had long been aware of .
12 I had long found that keeping my own little area and few belongings in order was a vital way of keeping a hold of myself , keeping my mind and spirits in order .
13 I had long believed that the primary health care team did not really work but that it could be made to do so by adhering to contracts .
14 It was this last that gave him pause , for , he was to say , ‘ Although I had no knowledge of it — that place where the Twelve Judges sit — I believed that I had long since dreamed it , and I knew it for a place of great finality and immense power .
15 It deteriorated very much on Uncle John 's death , but by then I had long left to live elsewhere .
16 I had long intended making this proposition to the Secretary of State , but I was urged sooner to it perhaps because I felt that I was reduced in circumstances and thrown from my position in Society , and I hoped by a grand effort to establish a permanent claim on the consideration of Her Majesty 's Government .
17 In Paris I had long , long kicks .
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