Example sentences of "i [vb past] found " in BNC.

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1 A Canadian reviewer said they looked like people I 'd found at a bus-stop , which I was very flattered by . ’
2 Only music that stems from spiritual impoverishment enriches my life , Oh , like everybody else I had my summer of soul , like a lot of white boys , thought I 'd found my truest voice .
3 I think these things were not common in those days and I was looking for someone who had great potential , and decided I 'd found it in David Bowie .
4 At least I 'd found him .
5 Sam and Doone were already in the boatyard by the time I 'd found my way there , neither of them radiating joy , Sam 's multicoloured jacket only emphasising the personality clash with grey plain clothes .
6 He answered at once , ‘ Whenever I 'd found the hole in the floor .
7 I went to fetch them and returned with only three I 'd found , jungle , Safari and Ice .
8 I 'd found myself in the company of two groups of schoolchildren between the ages of seven and thirteen who 'd come to take part in this year 's Young National Trust Theatre production , Two Nations , an exploration of the divisions existing in Victorian society .
9 I explained that I 'd found someone to substitute for me — one of the Carter boys was looking for holiday work — but he kept making objections about unqualified staff , mentioning a notorious case a few years earlier when one malcontent teacher wreaked his revenge by teaching a group of teenage Italians that the English greet each other in the street with the phrase ‘ Piss off , wanker . ’
10 I 'd found somewhere Really Rather Nice .
11 Then I got to work with some hard green soap I 'd found beside the sink , washed my make-up off as best I could , examined my face by the light of the torch in the little mirror hanging there , then tucked myself in .
12 I put on some gold dangly earrings I 'd found in the bottom of my bag and came out feeling a new woman .
13 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
14 I walked away disappointed but I was glad I 'd found someone new whom I could confide in .
15 I knew I 'd found my spiritual home .
16 I knew I 'd found my spiritual squat .
17 I knew I 'd found my spiritual home .
18 I knew I 'd found my spiritual home and I still think Bob Seger is crap .
19 Then I laughed at the first of Danny Kelly 's many amusing jokes , met The World 's Greatest Rock Photographer , realised there was no NME clique , and knew I 'd found my spiritual home .
20 I 'd found a movie to go to , at an off-centre commons .
21 I 'd found some bunches of violets that were n't much good , but I thought I might sell them in the pub , or that some kind gent might treat me to a sandwich .
22 And since he obviously had n't recognised me , I did n't want to connect myself with the house , until I 'd found out what his game was . ’
23 In Sandy 's notebook — the one I 'd found in her Jaguar that morning at the bell tower — there was a reference to Dracon .
24 He came back from the loo and I had to stop myself telling him what I 'd found out and that it did n't seem silly or neurotic or hopeless or anything , but just very thoughtful and touching .
25 ‘ What good would it have done telling Sergei I 'd found you ?
26 But by now I 'd found a new market — the Sunday papers .
27 Well , that could n't last , because I 'd found my touch , right ?
28 Even though I 'd found a fine lady to take care of him .
29 Curtis had closed that side door twice but I 'd found reasons to go back through , the dogs ' bowls , checking the padlock on the cellar and , somehow , I did n't bother to shut it .
30 " I saw a hare and after I 'd found the body there was a sparrowhawk , a kestrel . "
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