Example sentences of "to [pron] clients " in BNC.

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1 In some cases referral is essential , but this chapter will show that for many the CAB is developing specialist in-depth expertise that has turned the tables such that the CAB is now becoming the agency to whom clients are referred .
2 I had visions of myself repeating everything 3 times to my clients in a high squeaky voice as we mums tend to do !
3 ‘ When I go to my clients to collect I always ask if they have any hand-knitted woollen garments they do n't need , and if I 'm lucky they give me some .
4 Monday was usually a busy day for me , when I talked to my clients at length and often had lunch with one of my various contacts in the City .
5 Similarly a blind social worker commented : ‘ I 'm able to say to my clients , ‘ I 'll help you , but there are certain ways in which you are going to have to help me ’ , and the client does n't feel totally taken over or totally worthless . ’
6 In order to understand better and to compare offers received , it would be helpful to my clients if you were prepared to discuss the mechanics of your offer price which should be worked assuming a debt free group and thus based on profit before tax and interest .
7 Unfortunately your offer , as currently expressed , is not sufficiently interesting to my clients .
8 The $5 million Texas Instruments facility has a staff of 35 US-trained Indian engineers and exports software through a dedicated satellite link to its clients in the US .
9 House broker Smith New Court is said to have been promoting the stock to its clients .
10 O2 Technology SA , the object-oriented database start-up in Versailles , says it has signed a partnership agreement with Paris-based Ingenia SA , a consultancy specialising in object-oriented technology , artificial intelligence and man-machine interfaces : under the non-exclusive agreement , Ingenia will sell O2 to its clients in the defence , agro-chemical and automotive industries ; O2 is an object-oriented database that has yet to make its mark as a commercial success ; an O2 spokeswoman said Ingenia has great expectations of the potential of O2 to be used for a large number of its applications .
11 Under the non-exclusive agreement , Ingenia will sell O2 to its clients in the defence , agro-chemical and automotive industries .
12 Joan Bower of the voluntary organisation Age Concern told me how her local branch takes services to its clients , rather than making them travel .
13 It is a service business , providing a very specific service to its clients .
14 Though funded by the Scottish Office , Home and Health Department , the study is totally independent of central government and will present its findings directly to its clients , the people of the Shetland islands .
15 Although the new capital is selectively marketed by the company through its issuing house ( the financial institution , usually a merchant bank , which has been employed to organize the placing ) to its clients , the Stock Exchange still requires that 25 per cent of the total shares be with the general public .
16 If this should prove genuine , it is about as welcome as a High Court summons — another document I expect hourly unless the Bradford branch of the Inland Revenue adopts a more compassionate attitude to its clients . ’
17 R.7 provides that a recognised body shall at all times remain able to provide a proper service to its clients .
18 A recognised body shall at all times remain able to provide a proper service to its clients .
19 The Council needs to be satisfied generally that the company is able to provide a proper professional service to its clients .
20 Ms Harris ought to have been preaching this to her clients and taking note of it herself .
21 Labour and the Liberal Democrats are committed to seeking improvement in public services solely , and disastrously , by spending more money , and by restoring power to their clients , the public sector workers .
22 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
23 Its primary objective is to ensure that bureaux and other independent advice agencies are able to give effective and easily accessible advice to their clients by providing a background of up-to-date , accurate and easily accessible information on all matters relating to rights , responsibilities , benefits and services .
24 Members ' primary duty when acting in the capacity of librarian is to their clients , i.e. the persons or groups of persons for whose requirements and use are intended the resources and services which the members are engaged to provide .
25 The UK Library Association Code of professional conduct ( 1983 ) does not make separate mention of young people but provides the important principle that ‘ Members ’ primary duty when acting in the capacity of librarian is to their clients ' ( para.2d ) .
26 ‘ I believe good agencies will offer through-the-line services to their clients in the future .
27 Used previously for promotional purposes , companies with several offices throughout the UK are taking the entertainment to their clients as a more effective means of reaching them .
28 Progress towards the single market provides as much of a challenge to legal advisers as it does to their clients .
29 ‘ These firms want people with a more general practice background , who can talk to their clients in their own language , not someone who 's done the audit for three large plcs . ’
30 Sir , — By and large the services of practising chartered accountants to their clients are about 5% of any real value and 95% conformity to legislation — audit , taxation etc .
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