Example sentences of "to [art] sea " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Let's go to the sea . ’
2 The views are stunning , looking to the sea over the Kyle of Tongue , to Ben Hope dominating the west and the wilderness of North Sutherland stretching away almost infinitely to the south .
3 ‘ It was very good of you to take them to the sea .
4 Hardly anybody else about except the schoolteachers ever thought of taking their children to the sea . ’
5 Luke would n't come to the sea in the finish . ’
6 ‘ We have n't come to the sea in three years .
7 There were views to the sea , views west towards Reykjavik , in fact views in every direction , as long as it was down .
8 Close to the sea Breiđ3amerkurjökull , a broad flat snout of Vatnajökull , dies into this lake , the melt water exiting along a wide , fast channel into the sea .
9 for the winter traveller the climate is harsh , very cold , very windy and very close to the sea .
10 Tony whispered as we carried our boats to the sea .
11 We are paddling at 45 degrees to the sea so on every wave the paddle must be just so to stop the boat going over .
12 Ahead , I could see the twin towers of the Severn Bridge , beneath which the two rivers meet before completing their journey to the sea .
13 The great Te Deum and Jubilate in D are generously supplemented with four major verse anthems-My Heart Is Inditing , O Sing Unto The Lord , They That Go Down To The Sea In Ships and Praise The Lord , O Jerusalem .
14 The Council is , thanks to the SEA , more than ever the true ‘ Parliament ’ of the European Community in that it — rather than the Strasbourg assembly — passes the Community 's laws and does so , moreover , behind closed doors in ways which would not be tolerated in any individual national member state .
15 Some cities , including Venice , can also build defences across critical connections to the sea .
16 Romance and mystery were added to the place when Meade Falkner wrote Moonfleet , the classic children 's adventure story which was loosely based on this family and hamlet , though set nearer to the sea .
17 There were few potential trouble spots , in which British forces were likely to be involved , that were not reasonably close to the sea ; and naval forces had the advantage of being able to lie out of sight over the horizon during periods of tension .
18 As the ages passed , a few land mammals , the distant ancestors of today 's whales and dolphins went back to the sea , and gradually changed shape as they adapted to an underwater environment .
19 The earliest cetaceans are thought to have been related to primitive ungulates or hoofed mammals , who returned to the sea some 50 million years ago .
20 At each stage of their return to the sea , they became specialised to their particular habitat , some going back into freshwater rivers , others frequenting shallow coastal waters or the deep oceans .
21 Paradoxically , although surrounded by water , dolphins , like other marine mammals , tend to lose water from their bodies to the sea .
22 When the ancestral cetaceans returned to the sea , they had to adapt to the much colder temperatures of water , which conducts heat 26 times more efficiently than air .
23 When they come out , they are fry ; as they grow a little , they become parr ; larger still , they turn into smolt and fizz off down to the sea .
24 The Sussex coast was best seen at a distance , though , for proximity to the sea causes human beings to create great ugliness .
25 Still holding her arm , he was walking with her back along the avenue , down to the sea front .
26 Most of them are well-meaning , public-spirited souls with little desire for glory , committee people prepared to serve their lives huddled over blotters in council chambers from the broadcasting authorities to the Sea Fish Authority , successor to the legendary White Fish Authority .
27 ‘ I like to get down to the sea and talk to the waves , ’ one housewife said to another , on the bus .
28 ‘ A long drive to the sea . ’
29 In fact , genetical analysis of plant ‘ ecotypes ’ ( i.e. populations adapted to a particular habitat , for example growing close to the sea ) shows that sometimes rather few gene mutations can cause most of the morphological change .
30 IF ALGERNON Swinburne had been an able seaman he might have referred to the sea as ‘ the oggin ’ but certainly not as ‘ the great sweet mother ’ , which he did .
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