Example sentences of "in britain and " in BNC.

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1 Naturally , apart from the accusation of hypocrisy and of letting Britain solve its marriage problems , the government ends up being accused of allowing divorce for the wealthy and none for the poor , as the cost of going to and staying in Britain and paying for the legal procedures is beyond the pockets of the majority .
2 Mild ale is one of the last surviving examples of the type of beer the whole world drank until new developments in Britain and Europe introduced lighter coloured brews .
3 Both in Britain and France large food companies and tiny cottage industries produce their own interpretations .
4 At that time , Punch ( 1979 ) pointed out ( in a comparison of facilities in Britain and Holland ) that research into the police in Britain is not easy and
5 The FSC is currently in the draft stage , with proposals being presented to conservationists in Britain and the USA .
6 Expedition members Steve Hillen ( 24 ) , Dave Tyson ( 23 ) , Dave Lister ( 23 ) and Mike Penlington all have extensive climbing experience in Britain and the Alps .
7 However , forest decline was far more extensive in Germany and continental Europe than , for example , in Britain and Norway .
8 The extra stress that it will have caused to forest trees in Britain and the continent will provide one of the first tests of his new ideas .
9 The Government seems to be trying to destroy the education and health services in Britain and to set up an alternative system in which wealth rules .
10 Sir : Robert Hughes and Alan Haselhurst ( letters , 29 September and 2 October ) have avoided my main point about the future of democracy in Britain and Europe .
11 It was the most profitable car company in Britain and earned the highest margins of any Ford plant in Europe .
12 The High Court in Dublin adjourned until today an application by the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child for a permanent ban on Irish student union leaders distributing information on abortion facilities in Britain and a related contempt hearing .
13 According to security sources in Dublin yesterday , the absence of two key witnesses had effectively determined Mr Barnes ' decision not to press charges under the 1976 Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act , which allows for prosecution in the Republic for offences allegedly committed in Britain and Northern Ireland .
14 Because of the impact of Socialism in power in Britain and of the welfare state during Attlee 's post-war government , Maurice attained a celebrity not known since his death eighty years before .
15 BBC Radio 1 is the most influential radio station in Britain and it is every plugger 's dream to get their records regularly on to Radio 1 's ‘ A ’ list .
16 In many respects the ‘ New Conservatism ’ in Britain and the United States was born out of a reaction to the high inflation of the mid-1970s .
17 Another plank has been the encouragement of the private sector by deregulation ( particularly in Britain and the United States ) , especially in transport , tax deductions for investment , and packages of incentives for small business .
18 In other words , there is extensive support in Britain and many other western states for government welfare and economic programmes which help the ‘ deserving ’ poor , and are also thought to be credible and realistic .
19 The chief task of MI5 between 1939 and 1945 was to counter German espionage and sabotage in Britain and the empire .
20 Gujerati families which live as joint families in Britain and do not have , or have never had , this strict but uneasy hierarchy must be few and far between .
21 The next stage is when they begin to think of themselves as workers in Britain and compare their lives with those of other workers , black and white .
22 As far as personalities are concerned , the second type of employer is frequently the sort of man who forms the backbone of the ultra-right in Britain and is usually a racist in the most extreme and overt sense .
23 The reasons for the brutality and racism which are displayed every day at the ports of entry in Britain and at the British High Commissions in the Indian subcontinent are the laws themselves — laws which are seen as essential to wider government policy and which though blatantly racist ( in fact they would not stand up before the Race Relations Act ) were each introduced as a contribution to good community relations .
24 They are designed not only to keep out black people but to try and intimidate black workers already in Britain and make it harder for them to claim their basic human rights .
25 In January 1976 she had an arranged marriage to a cousin Aszal who had settled in Britain and on October 20 that year the couple arrived in Britain .
26 If you want the same philosophy , stay in Britain and do your shopping for both cars in the same place , in Blackpool .
27 You can be sure that your donation , however small , will make an important difference to the lives of needy children in Britain and overseas .
28 HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS IN BRITAIN and many more live in unhealthy or dangerous conditions .
29 Between them they brought together in a hotel in Windsor the chairmen of sixty major companies in Britain and a crowd of bright , articulate members of the black community .
30 They all speak excellent English and going on last year , are so pleased to be in Britain and so appreciative of everything arranged for them that they make an easy and rewarding group to entertain .
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