Example sentences of "in june for " in BNC.

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1 In fact , by winning the Pilkington Glass Ladies ' title in June for the 10th time , she came to within one of Chris Evert 's record of 157 career titles .
2 BT , which bought its stake in McCaw in June for $1.3bn , said that it would not have to invest further to support the current McCaw bids .
3 When Richard Baxter returned to the court in June for the sentence , he was fined five hundred Marks and ordered to remain in prison until he paid .
4 Cheap air time was the key to the decision to run both the Hilary Norman campaign and a more conventional one in June for the new Jeffrey Archer .
5 Both Lagerfeld , bought in June for a reputed £16m , and Chloe held successful fashion shows in Paris recently .
6 Andrew , of Bedminster , Bristol , flew to Australia in June for a working holiday .
7 Her husband , John Pennington , of Southport , Merseyside , was jailed for 15 years in June for hiring a hitman to kill her for the £300,000 insurance .
8 It was seen as particularly acute in June for S4 pupils .
9 Following a general election in June for seats in a National Shengo ( which formally replaced the military administration in September of that year ) , the establishment of the People 's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was proclaimed .
10 No action was taken against Donald E. Lukens ( Rep. , Ohio ) who had been sentenced to prison for between 30 and 180 days and fined $1,000 in June for having sexual relations with a teenage girl below the age of consent [ ibid . ] .
11 The Amir had responded to the campaign by holding elections in June for an interim National Council .
12 Agreements were reached with Colombia in June for closer co-operation to combat drug trafficking ; with Brazil in July ( i ) to begin bilateral discussions on economic complementation within the juridical structure of the Latin American Integration Association ( ALADI ) ; ( ii ) for scientific , technical and technological co-operation over three years ; and ( iii ) to combat drug trafficking ; with Argentina in August for the peaceful use of nuclear energy ; with Spain in October for a $2,000 million economic co-operation package ; with Mexico establishing a framework for a free trade pact to ensure common tariffs on imports by June 1991 and to create a bilateral common market by 1995 ; with the USA in November lifting export restrictions on goods from small and medium-sized Chilean firms under the US generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) ; and with Czechoslovakia on future co-operation .
13 Observers also pointed to Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov 's demands in June for extended powers [ see p. 38272 ] and to the closed sitting of the USSR Supreme Soviet on June 17 , when Marshall Dimitry Yazov , Boris Pugo and Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov respectively Defence Minister , International Affairs Minister and KGB Chair , supported these demands , Kryuchkov warning of continued danger from United States intelligence agencies .
14 The three had been sentenced in June for an attack in February on RCD offices in which an elderly security guard was killed [ see pp. 38026 ; 38122 ] .
15 The inability of the PPP — dominated provincial government to handle the crisis led opposition politicians to call for its immediate dismissal and prompted the army to press in June for full emergency powers to check the spiralling communal violence .
16 He was sacked from his ministerial post in June for criticizing what he saw as Franco 's lack of commitment to the Axis cause .
17 The Nato operation ends today and the bombers are due to leave Fairford , returning again in June for another exercise .
18 Georgia Griffiths was sentenced to nine months jail in June for selling LSD .
19 Scottish Opera returns in June for a season that 's already heavily booked .
20 Or did she say he 's going for an interview in June for the Met , or something , anyway .
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