Example sentences of "in the flat " in BNC.

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1 Their elders make it upstairs in the flats , attended by small children — brothers and sisters who grow up in the Gorbals , Glasser says , to try it with each other .
2 Hornsey and Wood Green 's Labour MP Barbara Roache said from the scene : ‘ There are many people living in the flats above the shopping centre .
3 When it goes , I mean I 'm speaking as a resident of The Stow and I know there 's lot 's of complaints and shop keepers and er people in the flats and that round you know the shops there and you do feel a bit intimidated if you walk through The Stow at night .
4 Architects and planners are usually men and , in the case of local authority housing estates , not of the class of those who actually spend most of their time in the flats and houses they design .
5 I was up , and I went to the shops and I came and there 's a wee boy which used to live in the flats , and he says hello Nelly .
6 Erm how long have you lived in the flats ?
7 Two years you 've lived in the flats ?
8 How do you find it living in the flats compared with anywhere else you 've lived ?
9 You know when they pull the flats down they should say , Right , we 'll put fifty families in , fifty families in , fifty families at , you know what I mean , to split all the people what 's in the flats up into different areas cos most of the people in the flats , you know they all stick together sort of thing .
10 You know when they pull the flats down they should say , Right , we 'll put fifty families in , fifty families in , fifty families at , you know what I mean , to split all the people what 's in the flats up into different areas cos most of the people in the flats , you know they all stick together sort of thing .
11 Have you managed to make , have you made any friends at all , in the flats ?
12 None a well I I do n't associate with people in the flats .
13 So why do f why do you feel that why why is it , you said you do n't associate with the people in the flats , why is that ?
14 He lives in the flats .
15 It 's just since he 's been in the flats .
16 Yeah since he 's been in the flats yeah .
17 Is there much in terms of drugs do you actually are there many people in the flats who actually that are actually involved in drugs or
18 If you if any of if you have say er any problems with the people in the flats that you could actually go to would help you in any way ?
19 Is it , I mean do you know many people in the flats who you could actually rely on if you ever if you were
20 No , I do n't know anybody in the flats .
21 Is it you know in terms of erm in the flats f erm is there any how how do people you know of different you know white and coloured people do do they get on o okay or is or is there is there a problem there or not ?
22 Erm sis you have a lot of contact with tenants in the flats ?
23 Erm certainly a lot of meetings in the early days , focused on the level of policing in the flats .
24 Or as tenants saw it , the lack of policing in the flats .
25 And er the people who lived in the flats felt unprotected and and isolated from er from police support .
26 Did you have much contact with erm individual clients in the flats ?
27 people in the flats ?
28 And issues that also affected people in the surrounding streets , not just people in the flats themselves .
29 And many of those either lived in the flats or in the surrounding surrounding streets .
30 Moving on , erm in te you know obviously you must have had a fair amount of c you said you had a fair amount of contact with erm tenants in the flats .
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