Example sentences of "in effect [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Queen is the head of the Church of England — in effect its chairman — and the Archbishop of Canterbury is its chief executive , the person who runs its day-to-day business .
2 Officially the Left Book Club did not favour any specific proposals for a Liberal-Labour alliance , but in effect its influence was directed towards this end .
3 Stella is a wild card both in the deepest recesses of Serena 's own mind and in the domain of middlemen , for Stella is the only character in the novel who is exempt from this status : ‘ Stella was in effect her own middleman , alone in the world , selling her personality , and very badly ’ ( 30 ) .
4 In effect their fiscal mandate meant their version of reality failed to synchronize with the police world view .
5 But I work closely to any budget I 'm given and in effect my service is free , because although I charge a £30 flat fee , it 's deducted when an order is placed . ’
6 In becoming anorexic , I was saying to those who were in effect my social superiors , ‘ I can contribute nothing to the community ; look how little I have/am . ’
7 So erm erm in effect your selling starts er well we wo n't count anything before that in er in nineteen eight six .
8 In effect his powers are somewhat circumscribed by both tradition and the organisational pattern of local government which developed in England and Wales following upon the Education Act of 1870 and the reshaping of local government in 1888 .
9 In effect his agenda of constructing a theory of the state appropriate to the modern world is transformed by the public lawyers into an agenda for building a modern theory of public law .
10 Gustavus III recovered control and became in effect his own foreign minister .
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