Example sentences of "in [adj] after " in BNC.

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1 Gallaghers bought the club for £1.25million in 1986 after the receiver had been called in .
2 They had a son Cameron , 11 , but finally parted in 1986 after she accused him of giving her black eyes .
3 ( Ver had been charged with the murder in 1984 but acquitted , a verdict which was overturned in 1986 after Corazon Aquino had come to power — see pp. 34297-98 ; 34489 ; 34872 . )
4 This changed in 1980 after a major died in one of two shooting attacks against soldiers .
5 Vladimir Ulyanov — who chose to use the name of ‘ Lenin'-had been exiled to Siberia in 1895 after he had founded a Union for the liberation of the working classes .
6 Garry Cornes , 26 , a haemophiliac , was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1985 after he was given infected blood products .
7 The winning of " possession " in 1985 after a long struggle in the courts will prove to have been a shallow victory if the protection attaches [ sic ] to this status is to be further undermined , leaving absolute control once again in the hands of the " greater possessors " , the owners .
8 Merseyside Coroner Roy Barter heard that Mr Banks returned to England in 1985 after his family emigrated to Zambia then moved to South Africa .
9 Wensleydale Foods acquired the station site in 1985 after the public delivery siding had been closed and the short piece of track leading from the limestone branch had been lifted .
10 Rio Tinto bought both mines in 1979 after its previous owners pulled out .
11 Among the book 's central allegations were claims that Mossad had ( i ) failed to inform the United States of prior intelligence concerning the October 1983 suicide bombing of the US Marine battalion headquarters in Beirut , the Lebanese capital [ see pp. 32646-47 ] ; ( ii ) established a secret spy network ( " A1 " ) in the USA ; ( iii ) helped bring about the dismissal of Andrew Young from his post of US representative at the UN in 1979 after secretly recording Young 's clandestine meetings with PLO officials [ see p. 29956 ] ; and ( iv ) caused the downfall of Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin in 1977 by exposing his wife 's illegal foreign currency bank account [ see p. 28533 ] .
12 Four other cases in table III were excluded from our analyses because they fell outside the period covered : cases 1–3 occurred before complete registration data were available , and case 14 occurred in 1991 after the decision had been taken to make 1990 the final year of the analysis .
13 A naval officer , discharged in 1991 after publicly admitting that he was homosexual , was reinstated in mid-November .
14 A Soviet-dominated regime was established in the Siberian region of Tannu Tuva in 1921 and a People 's Republic came into being in Mongolia in 1924 after Chinese occupying forces had been defeated .
15 He had fled to London in 1828 after the Catholic emancipation bill had been passed , forced to leave his beloved Ireland because his Catholic fervour had led him to kill a Protestant in an argument during the celebrations .
16 After all the drama of ‘ 68 , de Gaulle , of course , simply went querulously into retirement in 1969 after the students had gone back to their studies and the French electorate felt it was safe to dispense with his services .
17 They moved to the Caribbean in 1984 after Mr Clarke 's mother left him a small banana plantation in her will .
18 ‘ The four who were suspended for a year in 1984 after the demos during the Miners ’ Strike .
19 Relations had been severed in 1975 after North Vietnam defeated the South Korean-backed South Vietnamese regime .
20 Such pressure began in a mild way in 1960 after some speculative activity in the gold market occurred , based on dawning fears that the dollar might not for ever be ‘ as good as gold ’ ( i.e. fixed in terms of gold ) .
21 Nameless Lives : Sir Robert Peel ( 1788-1850 ) , who became Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1812 after Spencer Perceval was assassinated and Lord Liverpool became Prime Minister for what must have felt for ever .
22 Burton Albion were granted a replay against Leicester in 1984–85 after their goalkeeper was hit by a missile .
23 Galecron ( the brand name for the formulation , chlordimeform ) was widely used as a pesticide before it was taken off the market briefly in 1976 after it was found to increase tumours in mice .
24 The Georgian vicarage , built in 1823 , stands south of the church , where the north wing was demolished in 1950 after the vicar 's wife fell through the floorboards !
25 Special Branch also lost a senior UDA/UFF member in 1992 after police sprung a trap on a loyalist murder team at Finaghy Road north .
26 Equally interesting is his recollection of wanting Gooch as his vice-captain in the Caribbean in '81 after Willis was repatriated : Lord 's insisted on Miller : the situation at selection meetings , when Miller had to leave the room while his inclusion or otherwise was discussed , was , ‘ farcical ’ .
27 In 1952 after Freud completed his small but outstanding portrait of Francis Bacon , Minton commissioned a portrait of himself .
28 Here is the modest parish church of St Mary : the date of its founding is obscure , but a panel over the porch records that the building was restored by Lady Anne Clifford in 1663 after she found it in ruinous condition .
29 They cautiously resumed aid ( at $58m a year ) in 1987 after Mr Bouterse allowed a free election in which his own party fared badly ; and were upset again last August when the chief police inspector was found with a bullet in his head near Mr Bouterse 's office .
30 In the meantime , IBM will have come out with its OS/2 2.0 , the second version of an operating system it launched in 1987 after jointly developing it with Microsoft .
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