Example sentences of "in [noun] until " in BNC.

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1 For example , in the Sahara the dunes are orientated slightly east of south in the north and then veer consistently in direction until they are orientated somewhat south of west in the southern Sahara , beyond which similar orientation is betrayed by the old fixed dunes ( Fig .
2 The optic nerves were incubated in 4% paraformaldehyde at 4°C overnight , transferred to 30% sucrose in PBS until equilibrated , frozen in OCT compound ( Miles ) and cut into 8μm longitudinal sections , which extended the entire length of the nerve , with a Bright cryostat .
3 Simmer chunks in milk until tender , then use the milk for a cheese sauce .
4 When children have been taken into care at a very early age , and have lived in institutions until after their third birthday , or have experienced several changes of foster mother during this time , they have sometimes failed to form any secure affectional bond or attachment .
5 The effect stays in existence until the character , or his enemy , is slain or mortally wounded .
6 Provisions listed in the second column below and those of regulations etc. made under them , remain in existence until replaced by regulations made under the Order .
7 The main , second and third wave , army , consisting of 100 battalions , or about 50,000 men , would be held in reserve until the last moment between the Lower Rhine and the River Meuse , apparently intended for Westphalia .
8 What 's more , a FlexiLoan can be held in reserve until needed , but wo n't cost you a penny until you start to use it .
9 The 1st clarinet is therefore held in reserve until the high F is reached four bars from the end of the extract , thus drawing the attention of the audience unconsciously to that note and preparing the way for its little solo passage .
10 Still , he was not naturalised in Germany until around 1900 , after he decided to settle permanently in Berlin .
11 Held , dismissing the appeals , that , prior to the enactment of the Congenital Disabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 , at common law a breach of the duty of care did not give rise to a cause of action in negligence until the plaintiff suffered an injury ; that , although a foetus did not enjoy an independent legal personality , by the time that the plaintiffs were born in 1967 the common law recognised that a child born with a deformity because of a negligent act occurring during the mother 's pregnancy had a cause of action ; and that , therefore , the plaintiffs had a cause of action against the defendant health authorities for any negligent act prior to their birth which caused them to be born with deformities ( post , pp. 654H , 656D–F , 660E — 661D ) .
12 A City onslaught , fed by passes from wing-half Matt Busby , kept Arsenal pinned in defence until , near the end , City launched a final , determined offensive .
13 Brenda continues in Creole until just before " but to dance " , then switches back to London English for the last part of her turn , where she continues with her narration of actual events : " and then and then we star%ed to talk and all the rest of it and tha% " s it " — but switches to Creole for her final " punchline " : " full stop .
14 After he was transported by train to Dar Es Salaam nothing more was heard in Masailand until the official notice was posted in the district commissioner 's office in Ewaso Narok confirming that sentence had been carried out .
15 ‘ Under the terms in this document , two of the Lusignan 's men will stay here , and four of the city 's will stay in Nicosia until the rescue fleet comes .
16 There 're so many wild oranges on the island that when they 're ripe the boys and girls go out in gangs , pick them by the thousand , squeeze out all the juice and let it ferment in casks until it 's ready for a week-long celebration .
17 In Ceylon , stations ranged from those which served the elegant bungalow coastal suburbs of Colombo and those used by Europeans seeking refreshment at the hill stations or at Mount Lavinia to special ‘ coolie ’ stations , where the Tamil labour migrants introduced from South India to the tea plantations could be detrained and kept in quarantine until health requirements could be met .
18 [ The Finer Report was not debated in parliament until over a year after it was published , and few of its recommendations on housing , law and benefits were implemented .
19 Concern about the inherent cruelty of this hardly appears in literature until after the Second World War .
20 The first was to run down both hospitals in parallel until a point of non-viability at either one of them was reached and a closure plan could be executed .
21 In manufacturing and business , the two grew very closely in parallel until the mid-sixties , so that the ratio of output to capital remained fairly constant ( figure 8.4 ) .
22 Rocque lived in Great Windmill Street on the edge of the French quarter in Soho until 1743 , in Piccadilly opposite Green Park until 1749 , and in Whitehall until a fire on 7 November 1750 destroyed his possessions .
23 Local gossips noted that her husband , Darnley , did not appear in Jedburgh until the crisis was over ; and then , incensed by the attendant nobles ' cool reception , he stayed only one night and possibly did not even visit Mary .
24 Middleton said he had not arrived in Jedburgh until after the crime had been committed and was being made the scapegoat .
25 The foster mothers and re-derived litter should be held in isolation until their health status has been shown to be satisfactory .
26 From 1800 the street pattern which lasted in essence until the blitz of the Second World War was rapidly growing .
27 The crucifer Braya humilis was originally described as aperiodic in northeast Greenland ( Sørensen , 1941 ) , where flowers produced in late autumn were retained frozen but viable in snow until the following spring ; the same species was found to be periodic , with a late summer growth check , in the harsher snow-free conditions of Hazen , north Ellesmere Island ( Savile , 1972 ) .
28 ‘ It 's near the colonnade — but I 'm afraid it wo n't be in action until the first of May — or possibly the last day in April , ’ he supplied .
29 Devoy , champion seven times in succession until she was beaten last year , meets England 's Martine Le Moignan in the final .
30 Rosa moschata , the old Musk Rose , produced umbels of sweetly scented flowers in August to ‘ continue in succession until the frost stops them ’ .
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