Example sentences of "a somewhat [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A somewhat unscientific approach , perhaps — ’
2 His expressions range from that of a contented Cheshire Cat , to a somewhat frenetic frown .
3 With an interlude for a half-yearly general meeting to approve the audited accounts , a somewhat frenetic round of discussion groups produced a remarkable degree of consensus on various fronts .
4 GONE are the days when giving a child a book was seen as a somewhat unimaginative Christmas present .
5 That , however , proved to be a misunderstanding based upon a somewhat elliptical written Parliamentary answer .
6 If one had to make a guess , it is that within another ten years or so ‘ environment ’ will have become a somewhat passé term , rather as ‘ ecological ’ has , simply because of its insufficiency as a generic description ; a term which links the preservation of rural landscapes in Europe to the fate of millions in Bangladesh obviously has problems of definition .
7 It was due to this second helping that he rejected the quail and mutton cutlets ( with pickled walnuts ) as Alice and Algernon , with a somewhat nervous eye on Lord Beddington , offered them .
8 There is no evidence of significant student hardship , despite a somewhat half-baked campaign by the National Union of Students to try to suggest that there is .
9 The mill was relegated to storage for many years , and by the 1960s was in a somewhat parlous state .
10 In what seems a somewhat specious argument , she urges Leo to bathe with her in the fire so that their mortal sins may be purged : but although the fire at first seems to do her no harm as she shows him the way into it , the self-seeking nature of her love becomes evident as her ageless beauty is destroyed :
11 These suggestions may be considered dated in that they seem to presuppose a somewhat static teaching situation with pupils amenable to being told where to sit , rather than the modern classroom with its active learning , and mobile , enquiring pupils .
12 Whereas many such attempts embodied a somewhat static view of the pressure distribution , this was succeeded by what Barry and Perry ( 1973 ) termed a kinematic view of the weather map in which the synoptic weather map is viewed in terms of airflow and the movement of pressure systems .
13 Johnny fished in his trouser pocket for a somewhat battered packet of cigarettes and a slim gold lighter .
14 Now , a somewhat scratchy and hissing Turandot , playing from the small , lit sitting-room which opened on to the terrace , added a mixture of Italian and oriental excitement to the occasion .
15 But in the sphere of education , the concept would appear still to be flourishing , even if in a somewhat limited form , as stated above .
16 If you have a somewhat limited understanding of sex you may have wondered why people contrive to incorporate such things as whips , chains , handcuffs and strange costumes into their sexual relations .
17 It was of course a somewhat limited independence with the government of Vietnam announcing its trust in the loyalty of Japan and considering itself to be part of Japanese Greater East Asia .
18 RF325 in a somewhat tired white and grey maritime scheme , worn up until 1951/1952 .
19 Baldwin concerned himself with India ; with defence ( in a somewhat spasmodic way ) ; with those day-to-day issues which assume sudden importance in the life of a Government and then , almost as quickly , lose it again ; and with the loose management of the Conservative Party in the House of Commons .
20 He was entering that awkward stage of early adolescence and had become a somewhat ungainly-looking boy .
21 A somewhat elderly man , with a solemn way ; but good at his job and pleasant ( in his solemn way ) in manner so that his practice flourished , and there were holidays abroad and private schools for Miss Hazelwood , whom , it was supposed , would also become a doctor .
22 He was a few weeks short of his fiftieth birthday , a somewhat elderly junior minister .
23 In one home a somewhat unhappy new resident was allowed to spend the first week after admission dressed in her coat and sleeping in a chair .
24 I arrived at Ragdale Hall in a somewhat frenzied condition after a horrendous journey in which I encountered over 20 major roadworks and the JCBs ’ annual day out !
25 This required little other than turning up in Edgware wearing white on a somewhat blustery day .
26 The size of Bolger 's election victory also meant that the government had a somewhat unwieldy caucus of backbenchers with widely differing views on the economy .
27 While it is possible that the missionary who baptized in the River Glen was the Briton , Rhun , and that Bede was mistaken when he located Paulinus at Yeavering , the statement about Rhun in the Historia Brittonum , inserted as it is in a somewhat garbled account seemingly extrapolated from the Ecclesiastical History , can not be regarded as undoubtedly signifying this and it is uncertain what weight can be attached to it .
28 I was making my maiden speech , which is traditionally a somewhat nerve-wracking experience .
29 The Head of Department 's persistence appeared to win a somewhat grudging concession from the Head :
30 First , there is a somewhat technical point .
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