Example sentences of "a hundred [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 At the heart of the around 1000-strong collection are a hundred works by the Surrealist , Max Ernst Dominique was painted by Ernst in the 1930s with antiquities , Byzantine and medieval , Oceanic and Indian artefacts , and twentieth-century art , all assembled by the couple over forty years .
2 About a hundred works will travel from Paris , many of which are normally kept in storage for conservation reasons .
3 I think it 'll you a hundred CC or a a of
4 Between these , a hundred jellyfish as delicate and as translucent as rose petals pulsate like butterflies .
5 During the millions of years since they first made their appearance , at least a hundred species of Proboscidea have come and gone .
6 A good A&R Manager can earn sixty or seventy grand , whilst successful A&R Directors can earn upwards of a hundred grand and considerably more if they 've been doing it for a while . ’
7 If he paid between twelve and fifteen thousand pounds a kilo , Carmichael has a hundred grand inside that safe .
8 You think it should be a hundred grand ?
9 So the fraction will be you spend forty pence out of a hundred pence .
10 It 's difficult as far as the alternatives are concerned , is that no alternatives , but effectively it 's about four times the cost to administer , because you can dip a hundred sheep off one of the er , packs and it 's a smaller pack .
11 And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying , this man receives sinners and eats with them , and he told them this parable saying , what man among you , if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the open pasture and go out to the one which is lost until he finds it .
12 Notice what it says in verse four , what man among you if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness ?
13 It 's a good idea it 's a good idea in principle but , but it 's not a workable proposition when you 've over a hundred fish and there 's evening
14 As a constable at Easton explained , ‘ I could stand at that comer there and catch a hundred people breaking some law or other in one shift , no bother .
15 By the time dinner has been eaten and evening prayers conducted it is eight o'clock and about a hundred people have gathered .
16 By now , a hundred people have lined up in front of him and a security guard begins to keep them in line .
17 Unless you have a very small conference of less than a hundred people avoid low ceilings ; it 's like being in a crowded rail commuter carriage and everyone feels oppressed and claustrophobic .
18 The National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) which advises the government on radiation hazards , now estimates that up to a hundred people will have died from the fallout .
19 I can truthfully say that there were about a hundred people , male , female , young , old , and of all races , happily training their dogs , all spurred on by the infectious enthusiasm of Dave Lower and the committee of the Meridian Rottweiler Club , who all muck in to help .
20 Its houses , shop , pub and post office were built on a narrow shelf of rock looking out over Start Bay , and it had a population of more than a hundred people .
21 There are few prisoners that I know of , and a hundred people live there , including two or three who are official security guards .
22 The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is in a small room just inside the Presbytery door and to it come over a hundred people who give an hour of their time a week to ‘ watch ’ but there are countless others who come in just for a minute or two and there find a few minutes of silence and prayer .
23 This provides shelter for a small fishing fleet , which supports a population of nearly a hundred people .
24 Well , if you consider that one in a hundred people in Britain means over half a million people , you are talking of a large group of people , who must have something in common to make them buy your product .
25 ‘ Oh , you know what Loulou is , he needs a hundred people . ’
26 Sometimes conditions could be even worse : Godwin , for example , describes a London court where ‘ the basement story of nearly all the houses was filled with foetid refuse , of which it had been the receptacle for years ’ , and one water barrel of 50 to 60 gallons is intended to serve two houses , containing between them at least a hundred people .
27 I do n't think a hundred people would sit round
28 A hundred people stood and watched .
29 If you have an audience of about a hundred people at least one will have hearing problems , difficulty understanding English , or difficulty understanding your accent .
30 Or between a hundred people .
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