Example sentences of "a lot on " in BNC.

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1 I 've got rather a lot on my mind . ’
2 He 's got a lot on his mind right now , not least how Renault 's going to cope with a future hand-in-hand relationship with Volvo .
3 It would undoubtedly cost a lot on money to implement in the short run , as would some of the more conventional changes proposed by that Frenchman who claims to run the sport with an impartial hand .
4 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
5 The Netherlands has contributed a lot on the side to Hollywood in recent years , what with the success of Paul ( Robocop ) Verhoeven and , of course , Rutger Hauer .
6 As I am not planning to spend a lot on the engine I need something I can perhaps restore myself .
7 It is trial and error and depends a lot on the type of horse you are riding .
8 He does quite a lot on Broadway in fact .
9 Sheikh al Hassan had a lot on his mind .
10 At the very beginning I took it really personally when he yelled at me , ‘ Get me that , ’ but I quickly realised he has a lot on his mind during the show .
11 The Mad Axe 's very impressive acoustic sustain helps a lot on clean settings , and for rich , Knopfler-type sounds the pickups are voiced just about right .
12 I used all of those , as well as a 1959 Les Paul which I played a lot on this record .
13 I did quite a lot on that single bed machine , even intarsia and then I saw a double bed advertised for £15 .
14 Realising that means asking some fundamental questions about what we are actually after , with a lot on offer if we get it right , and disaster if we do not .
15 Tell Sid he could lose a lot on his Gas shares
16 Brady aims to field the same 11 players who began Saturday 's Old Firm clash with Rangers at Ibrox and admitted : ‘ I 'm depending a lot on Joe Miller and I 've told him so . ’
17 ‘ I learnt a lot on the positive side about myself , even though that sounds trite , ’ he says .
18 I tell you something , Benny , I 've always modelled myself a lot on your father .
19 Older people , especially pensioners — more likely anyway to be relatively poor — also depend a lot on mail order , but may buy durables through electricity or gas boards , paying on instalments with their quarterly bills .
20 In this case , we feel that the regulation would be difficult to enforce , because of the relatively intimate circumstances in which such transactions are made : successful enforcement would depend a lot on alerting users of this type of credit to the disadvantages of following-on and the ways in which regulation could help .
21 But his method baffled a lot on his peers .
22 It was only in the beginning , when we needed money badly , when we had to spend a lot on the house . ’
23 THE air around us always contains a certain amount of moisture — a lot on a humid summer 's day , less on a clear winter one .
24 Students , because their money is not tied up in big items such as mortgages , spend a lot on goods such as jeans , beer and cheap travel , and are therefore a target group .
25 ‘ She does n't like the Highlands , you know that , and she 's got rather a lot on just at present .
26 The tests may indeed produce something of a learning-for-the-test mentality , and the extent to which the tests pose a problem will depend a lot on the kinds of pupils : how well the values implicit in the school ethos match and are supported by those of their home , and how far advanced is their disaffection with school .
27 ‘ We rely completely on imported mainframes and spend a lot on maintenance and repair , ’ a ministry official said .
28 Red-throated divers and shags feed a lot on young saithe and also on sand-eel .
29 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
30 Art depends a lot on contrast and in urban areas there is plenty of that — even in a place like Darwin repeatedly bombed by the Japanese in World War 11 and further flattened by Cyclone Tracy in 1974 , now rebuilt as an up-to-date hotelsville in a style of architecture that , trying hard to be modern , succeeds in being already dated .
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