Example sentences of "a former [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 THE US government is barring a former Harvard Medical school investigator in heart disease from obtaining government research funds for ten years .
2 The umpires are calling for their new chairman to be Roy Kerslake , a Taunton lawyer and a former Somerset cricketer .
3 In a statement issued in Paris on March 24 , the two men accused UNITA of human rights abuses and political killings including those of Tito Chingunji , a former UNITA representative in Washington , and Wilson dos Santos , a former Lisbon representative , both of whom were reported on March 23 to have " disappeared unaccountably " .
4 Cairns hit two fours and a six in his forthright 42 , while Harris , like his partner the son of a former NZ Test player , stayed 73 balls , hitting a solitary four .
5 The mystery man seen leaving a restaurant with the Princess of Wales is a former Coronation Street actor who is thought to have been giving her voice coaching , it was disclosed last night .
6 It follows a 1991 World in Action programme in which a former GCHQ official revealed how Mr Christie 's telexes were being intercepted .
7 Subba Row , also the chairman of Surrey and a former England and Northamptonshire batsman , will remain a powerful voice but clearly wishes for someone else to take the responsibility for the hazards to come .
8 It is particularly fitting that Underwood should have chosen to step down in a year when the president of the Rugby Football Union is Peter Yarranton , himself a former England player and RAF pilot , who will be at today 's game .
9 David Pegler , a former England B captain , would come under consideration as a replacement after his outstanding season with London Irish , though looking outside Ireland again for a player would fuel controversy .
10 A former England cricketer is making a comeback next month , after breaking his knee twice .
11 The 20-year-old , Leicester-born Peake is a former England Under-19 international .
12 Smith , 18 , a former England amateur , national junior champion and the winner of seven Northern Area titles , will make his paid debut on the Leeds Town Hall show next month .
13 The film actor Richard Todd also was made OBE , as was an ITN cameraman , Nigel Thomson , twice wounded while working last year , and a former England cricket manager , Micky Stewart .
14 He was replaced by Willie L. Williams , a former Philadelphia police commissioner , who became the first black to head the LAPD and the first outsider to become chief for over 40 years .
15 When the Kenyan government called in a former Scotland Yard detective to clear up the murder of the foreign minister in 1990 , he fingered the former energy minister and confidant of the president .
16 And still with crime , a former Scotland hockey player has been jailed for her part in armed raids on shops in Glasgow .
17 BRIAN RENWICK , a former Scotland under-21 rugby forward who once spent £3500 on private knee surgery to resurrect his rugby career , has suffered another devastating injury blow less than two years later .
18 Mr Common has organised the pupil exchange programme with Collingwood School , a 400-pupil establishment in Vancouver founded by DD Mackenzie , a former Scotland rugby player and Olympic sprinter .
19 Larry Ellison has decided he can no longer do it all itself , and the Oracle Corp chairman , president and chief executive has brought in James Abrahamson , a former Hughes Aircraft Co executive as co-chair man : Abrahamson will join Ellison in the newly created Office of the Chairman , and the company has also formed a new executive committee to formulate the company 's strategic direction and oversee its worldwide operations ; the committee consists of Abrahamson , Ellison , Ray Lane , president , Oracle USA , Geoff Squire , chief executive , international operations , and Jeff Henley , Oracle 's chief financial officer .
20 A FORMER Ulster prison officer was charged last night with collecting , recording and possessing information which could be useful to terrorists planning murders .
21 That tribute from a former Ulster MP and tireless worker for the province to the Under-Secretary for Northern Ireland is more than deserved .
22 UUP councillor Margaret Clarke lost her seat in Pottinger and the Conservative Dorothy Dunlop , a former Ulster Unionist , is also out .
23 Mr Cairns , a former Ulster teacher now lecturing in Japan who is home on a study project , said : ‘ They went for a meal to McDonalds and when the girls said they would take a taxi back to the Young Women 's Christian Association the boys told them not to take a black taxi because they were too expensive .
24 The inquest heard that on 30 August , 1988 , the security forces had become aware of a threat to the life of a former Ulster Defence Regiment soldier , and the shoot-out had been a result of the actions taken by the security forces because of the threat .
25 Their new leader is a former Sandinista supporter .
26 The Unionist MP Ken Maginnis , a former UDR member , said : ‘ What I hope is not happening is that people who — as I would have had in my time — had montages for lawful and necessary purposes will be made scapegoats . ’
27 The shootings took place less than 24 hours after the IRA tried to kill a former UDR man in a Belfast nightspot .
28 The latest shootings took place less than 24 hours after the IRA tried to kill a former UDR man in a central Belfast nightspot .
29 Mr Leckey said the shoot-out in which the IRA men died was a result of actions by the security forces over a threat to the life of a former UDR soldier in August 1988 .
30 The determination to move the party 's and public 's attention from internal splits on to the current political agenda was demonstrated in speeches last night by Mr Chalmers and a former SNP leader , Gordon Wilson , targeting the constitutional question .
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