Example sentences of "a [adj] staff " in BNC.

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1 head teachers establish a representative staff development committee to advise them and the staff tutor on the school 's INSET programme
2 With over 60 activities each week , free transport , self-selection buffet ( no , there is n't a treacle pudding in sight ) and a strong staff team , we can provide a responsive and non-patronising service to anyone .
3 The new firm will boast a total staff of more than 10,000 , including 637 partners , in 30 offices .
4 At the same time , a new Contributions Unit , which may or may not develop into a full-blown agency , will be spun out of the existing DSS central capacity in Longbenton , Newcastle ( with people stationed in every benefit office in the land and a total staff of 7,000 ) .
5 At the beginning of October 1983 I announced that out of a total staff of 817,633 we would ask for a reduction of 4,837 , which would save about £40 million .
6 The reorganized Office had a total staff of forty-one as well as House Assistants and Office Keepers .
7 A total staff of 82 were employed on the Shell Forging Plant , by far the largest proportion being men owing to the heavy work involved in handling billets .
8 The new unit , Continental Shelf II , was composed of Eden as District Geologist with a total staff of 10 appointed to work under him .
9 Congress has always been better staffed than its counterparts elsewhere in the world and by 1979 it had a total staff of 23,056 .
10 The successive re-organizations have brought the Lord Chancellor 's Department , with a total staff of close on 12,000 , and the Crown Prosecution Service , with about 2,000 lawyers and 4,000 administrative staff , alongside the Home Office as public instruments for the administration of justice .
11 He was responsible for over 3,000 locomotives , some 9,000 carriages , and 80,000 wagons , in addition to a total staff of some 27,000 , of whom 12,000 were at Swindon .
12 I.e. a total staff time of 370 hrs = c. 52 days per year .
13 Norwich office boasted a total staff of 5 , 3 regular soccer playing males and 2 girls .
14 The department has a multi-cultural staff from Polish to Italian to French , all able to pass on their expertise for national dishes when need be .
15 The St Albans head office has a full-time staff including a chief executive , in day-to-day charge of the running of the Campaign , a Campaigns Manager and a Senior Research Manager , and membership and products managers .
16 The organisation finances a full-time staff of about 20 with offices in Westminster , Preston and Glasgow .
17 By contrast , the body responsible for registering and monitoring information collected by credit reference agencies has a register of about 130 000 entries , deals with about 20 000 enquiries a year , and has a full-time staff of more than 70 .
18 ‘ Provision of a full-time staff training officer to co-ordinate and run a programme of courses ’ .
19 At the beginning of the decade , there were affiliated to the French Confederation of Producer Co-operatives ( SCOP ) some 670 active industrial co-operatives , organised in eleven regions each with a full-time staff of organisers and advisers , and having a combined turnover of £500 million .
20 Now the Meningitis Trust has a turnover approaching a million pounds a year , a full-time staff of 16 , and trials begin in Gloucestershire next year on additional vaccines .
21 But he claimed that " … this is just one more example of a Commander in the field being overruled by a junior staff officer at the Air Ministry " .
22 Consider who should see the witness — you , a junior staff member or a reputable enquiry agent .
23 Mr Corlett , aged 49 , who heads a nine-strong staff , said his selling success was due to Balkan Holidays offering flights out of Teesside Airport for the first time .
24 These were hookers — rogues who carried a tall staff with a hook at the end which they pushed through windows to pluck down everything of value — best blankets , nightshirts or pots .
25 On great occasions the third Earl of Egremont would entertain 6000 people at Petworth and his 160 servants would be hard-pressed ; by contrast Bishop Trevor managed his retreat at Glynde with a combined staff of 16 , including a trainbearer , a French cook , and a ‘ jolly old coachman ’ .
26 [ The British ] had pressed for some time for a continuation of a combined staff relationship and had only been convinced that we were serious in rejecting this when we moved their combined staff people out of the Pentagon and moved the standing group [ of Nato ] in .
27 He was then posted to the Royal Radar Research Establishment at Malvern as a technical staff officer .
28 From 1971 to 1972 he was at Woolwich as a technical staff officer , and then took command of 4th Field Regiment , RA , in Northern Ireland .
29 He gathered about him a technical staff of diverse talents , whom he inspired with an enthusiasm to give of their best .
30 At present , Highlander has a working staff of 15 .
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