Example sentences of "and stay in " in BNC.

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1 I was neither Jew nor English nor white , or even a proper Indian or a proper Pakistani ; but my travels through Europe and stay in the USA and my near acceptance there as a living entity capable of suffering pain and enjoying pleasure had temporarily given me a sort of quasi-human status , further aggravated by those willing to be my sexual partners ; I had become spoilt and pampered .
2 In interviews , Gedge said he was fascinated by the downside of Best 's character ; the flaws in his make-up that led him to skip training session and stay in discotheques ( as they were then called ) for hours after he had officially opened them .
3 We have been able to resume many former activities and look forward to going to France again , as we have done a number of times , and stay in a tiny village in the mountains of Provence .
4 Close your eyes and stay in this position for 10 minutes .
5 You are born in it and stay in it .
6 ‘ It 's just not possible for me to pack a briefcase and go and stay in a Hilton somewhere looking for business and agents .
7 I mean if I was you I 'd just put up with it and stay in bed .
8 Obviously she had to go to Dublin and stay in the convent there ; this was the only way she could train for a career .
9 We want to encourage people to come and see our beautiful countryside and stay in our tee pees .
10 Either therefore insist upon believing in Pacifism as measured by the use of force and go out of politics , or define Pacifism as something emphasising the power of reason and stay in politics .
11 ‘ Our brief has always been to get back to our home ground and stay in the First Division and I think we are capable of achieving both . ’
12 ‘ They have cars with chauffeurs and stay in the best hotels . ’
13 Although there are many fine walks in the western range , my own preference is to follow the ‘ crowds ’ and stay in the east .
14 One is to settle for being a minority government , and hope to collect enough support each time a parliamentary vote comes up to win the day and stay in office .
15 In the case of very low birthweight infants , two trials showed reductions in incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and respiratory infection and of duration of ventilation and stay in intensive care .
16 Therefore , a very important part of the treatment programme must be helping the client to face up to their fear and stay in the difficult situation learning that they can control their anxiety .
17 Whereas a police bullets they wan na hit her and stay in here .
18 And stay in the rear till we get to the camp . "
19 I should have liked simply to disobey orders and stay in the trench .
20 In some yellow meadow ant colonies there are two sizes or worker : the smaller ones specialise in larval care and stay in the nest , where they are fed by the larger workers , which presumably do the foraging .
21 It is our capital city , after all , and it is quite exciting to see the sights and stay in those lovely hotels — I like travelling by train too .
22 You travel all over the world and stay in the top hotels where every room has its own sauna , jacuzzi , and hot and cold running maids .
23 ‘ I 'll take the afternoon train today and stay in London overnight .
24 And stay in England ? ’ asked her mama , not wishing to lose a Sally-Anne who , for whatever reason , seemed to have changed so greatly since she had last seen her , as a spoiled , petulant and wilful child , thinking only of herself .
25 On 17 February , pollution levels in Tehran reached such a high level that citizens were asked to stop their cars and stay in their houses .
26 IRELAND 'S bowlers bounced right back into contention in the Men 's U-25 Home International Championships in Carlisle yesterday when they shrugged off an opening match defeat from England to beat Scotland and stay in contention for the title .
27 Mrs Harding said of her forthcoming retirement : ‘ I imagine I will keep up some of the work and stay in touch with a lot of the friends I have made . ’
28 come in and stay in that 's it , stay in and do your own whatever , and then we 'll go , when I go and get the cos dad 's on late , we 'll go to the hospital then she 's got John and Claire and erm the other pair are going this afternoon
29 Well get in here and stay in here then
30 I ca n't speak for London hotels , but basically in this region we have a fair number of esteemed country house hotels , as well as the inner town hotels , and all of them offer a service at a very competitive price , and perhaps this is something we should encourage — the American visitor to stay out of London erm and come and stay in London 's country , as we call ourselves , round the Thames and Chilterns .
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