Example sentences of "and continued [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The family association with City banking went back to his grandfather , James Cunliffe , of Blackburn , and continued through his father , who died a millionaire in 1895 , leaving him a substantial fortune and estates in Surrey .
2 In one version it is the highly particularized action of networks of people in the network of streets that is Dublin on one day and another , suggested to us as early as the title and continued through innumerable associations and hints , it is a vast and teeming world through which and erratic journeying is taking its course in space and time , inner and outer .
3 The well-tried Roman policy of divide and rule had been the basis of Augustan diplomacy and continued during the conquest .
4 The initiative in convening meetings at intervals of every two or three months was taken by David Faulkner while an Under-Secretary at the Prison Department in 1981 , and continued during the eight years he was the Deputy Under-Secretary of State in charge of the Criminal and Statistical Departments and the Research and Planning Unit at the Home Office from 1982–90 .
5 For uses started before that date and continued without permission ever since , it is possible to obtain an Established Use Certificate , i.e. a certificate of immunity from enforcement action .
6 It was night when he turned down the A1120 , drove through Yoxford and continued along the winding country road .
7 He jumped to the ground and continued along the path .
8 Hilary marched off coolly , and continued along the corridor .
9 ‘ You 'll not find it easy to get the keys from old Joanna , ’ Rhodri remarked with malice , as they passed in through the archway and continued along the town walls .
10 The match organiser had a 2 lb chub first cast and continued with steak under his 5AAA waggler four rod lengths out at the top of the road stretch .
11 Mark warmed to the task and continued with renewed confidence .
12 Elizabeth cast one happy glance at the dawning delight on the other two faces , and continued with the joyful work .
13 The trouble started with a violent clearance by the Notts full-back Cope , and continued with an argument between Islip and Notts ' other full-back Ashurst .
14 The tradition began in about 1700 and continued with the Evening Courts which ended in 1939 .
15 But when he strode on to the green , he came over , glanced fleetingly at the man , said not a word , turned on his heel and continued with his game .
16 She sighed , then relaxed again and continued with her story .
17 It began by quoting Pope Paul VI — ‘ the church is certainly not willing to restrict her action only to the religious field ’ — and continued with a critique of Malawi as fashioned by Dr Banda : ‘ A growing gap between rich and poor … a struggle for survival … deplorable wage structure … a deplorable price paid to farmers for some of their crops … bribery and nepotism … an atmosphere of resentment … a climate of mistrust and fear . ’
18 Without speaking , she elbowed him out of the way and continued with her baking , thumping and banging the dough into shape , all the time her tears falling silently .
19 Hays had been called in to clean up Hollywood following the wave of scandals which began when Roscoe ‘ Fatty ’ Arbuckle was tried for rape and manslaughter , and continued with the murder of William Desmond Taylor .
20 Caradryel replied that he would rather lose the crown than the realm and continued with his policy .
21 The course started with an introduction to desktop publishing and continued with sessions looking at layout styles and techniques , the use and production of graphics , and the setting up of templates for regular publications .
22 When Karl was five or six , bored with the village school , he asked his mother for French lessons , and continued with them after they went back to Hamburg .
23 The service started with our opening carol , ‘ Away in a Manger ’ and continued with all the normal Christmas readings ; after the gospel we sat down for the nativity play , which was performed by a section from the armoured car squadron .
24 Prejudice against the foreign-born had grown during the war and continued with the " Red Scare " of 1919 .
25 We came back from there back into the rooms that we having instructions in and continued with our lessons .
26 The development of what we still see as the modern corporation began with Pierre S. du Pont 's restructuring of his family company in the early twenties and continued with Alfred P. Sloan 's redesign of General Motors a few years later .
27 The latter film was the third , most underrated and least commercially successful of the trilogy that began with the low-budget cult film Night of the Living Dead ( 1968 ) and continued with Dawn of the Dead ( aka Zombies , 1979 ) .
28 Stephen laughed , and Felix felt vaguely resentful , but it was fine at the moment to see his friend laughing even at his expense , so he brushed the mood away and continued with an invention about Mao studying Princess Anne 's record at gymkhanas .
29 She pretended not to see the look of dismay on Martin 's face and continued with her explanation .
30 Their two greatest achievements were the surveying of the Southern Uplands , begun in 1862 and continued with interruptions for thirty years , and the North West Highlands ( 1883–97 ) .
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