Example sentences of "and decided that " in BNC.

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1 ( Notice the change which the Durham professorship , and Joan 's coming , wrought — in 1940 no one could conceive of this absent-minded man as a bishop , and six or seven years later the electors to the see of Edinburgh mulled over his name and decided that it would not do , and five years after that both archbishops and the prime minister 's office were agreed that he would be a very good bishop . )
2 Anita encouraged him to go and decided that while he was away , running a shop would be a less demanding occupation than working all hours in a restaurant .
3 He wandered restlessly about , and decided that the lie might as well become the truth .
4 It was obviously more than a weed or even a wild flower so I did a quick turn-round and decided that it was quite pretty with its two-tone yellow tubular flowers and ferny leaves .
5 And Gaily took her quick reply for unwillingness , too , and decided that they did not know one another well enough yet to ask such questions , such casual , family questions , as between friends .
6 BOOK NOW Gary Moore Versatile former Thin Lizzy guitarist who , having dabbled in an impressive variety of styles , including heavy metal , jazz rock and folk , finally woke up one morning and decided that he was a blues guitarist .
7 They asked if he was cheating and decided that if he was able to do his work so well , there was no harm in giving him some more .
8 The directors considered this , and decided that one payment only was in order because , although they could find evidence of the donation by the man , they could find no evidence of any donation by the horse .
9 The sister did not like this at all and called the paediatrician , who examined and decided that he ought to go down to the special care baby unit after all .
10 The doctors diagnosed that he had probably had a left-sided embolic stroke , and decided that he did not need surgery , so he was treated on the medical ward , where he remained for about seven months .
11 Perhaps Cromwell , when he passed , also found the door of Coldingham Priory locked and decided that he would get in anyway , even if it meant removing a whole wall in order to do so .
12 In a surprising and unexpected judgment , the European Court of Human Rights rejected the Commission 's view , and decided that there was no violation of Articles 8 or 12 .
13 I experienced the agonisingly slow passage of time and decided that I needed to go to the toilet .
14 But I thought of the snow , the speed of the train , and the rifle , and decided that I still had no intention of trying to escape .
15 I looked out of the window for air raid damage but could see none and decided that this was one of the minor Ruhr towns which had not yet been attacked .
16 I thought of the contents of the suitcase and decided that there was something in what he said .
17 I debated whether to be sick or not myself , and decided that I could hold out for another half hour .
18 In state medicine he had observed that for chronic diseases like cancer , the responses to the repair syndrome were not good and decided that the most important factors causing such diseases were psychological and nutritional .
19 Just a simple explanation will do , such as ‘ I 've thought about this and decided that I 'd better shut up and do most of the listening ’ .
20 The Polish government debated von Ribbentrop 's proposals and decided that , if granted , concessions to Hitler would start rather than end with Danzig , and would lead to demands for the return of Mazuria , Poznań and Silesia .
21 Then she looked around at the men on offer , braying nightclub fools mostly , and decided that , even without racing commitments and pain , she would be planning to leave early .
22 Jason Burke discovered much more than the clichés of Paris , and decided that a short visit need not be too expensive .
23 Henry was a great friend of the playwright and decided that Dustin had misread a line .
24 I am fundamentally lazy and decided that we would inevitably be scrambled so it was less effort to remain in my aircraft and wait for it , helmet on and listening to the R T. The next thing I saw was people running — I still could not hear anything due to my helmet — and on looking round saw the 109s starting their dive on the field .
25 and their Parliamentary advisors took a long hard look at the powers which they held and decided that the 1902 Act as it stood , could not make a viable tramway system , even when grafted onto the existing Corporation system .
26 ‘ Bloody hell , ’ I said , and decided that I would never understand women .
27 After some time he found himself down at the Green , where Emily had not come with him ; and remembered Emily , and decided that he must ask her to become engaged to him before he went , to wait for him ; would she agree ?
28 However , on a Dow-Stoker Returners programme she discovered that she had quite a strong numerical ability , and decided that she would like to work in an accounts department .
29 With those children now at secondary school she wanted to restart her career and decided that she would like to become a dental hygienist .
30 Mr Dixon heaved a sigh of relief at having gained at least one point , and decided that the question of leaving school could be left to the parents and the Principal– Hank was grateful to him for his promise not to discuss either matter with anybody .
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