Example sentences of "and he manage " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately , the head keeper arrived before Father , and he managed to sort out the mess .
2 But Uncle Mick was still , even at seventy , a man to be reckoned with and he managed without any great effort to intimidate the group or at least deflect their more sinister intentions .
3 In Joliet , Illinois , a witness under hypnosis was asked to ‘ stop the video and zoom in ’ on the face of the criminal and he managed to give a detailed description of a man , who was duly arrested and charged .
4 He was a lot smaller then and he managed to squeeze himself through a cavity and found himself in a network of very small , narrow tunnels — far too small for most adults to enter .
5 But the results were forthcoming and he managed to squeeze in a couple of lower grade games for his Sydney club Eastwood before the end of the season .
6 And he managed to live until he was seventy-one , much longer than the expectancy of any hellraiser , although in the end it was the drinking that took him in 1988 .
7 The Chancellor had a narrow tightrope to walk and he managed to please a variety of people .
8 After a few heart-stopping moments the old engine coughed into life , and he managed to accelerate the loaded vehicle through the flames out to safety .
9 But it had not , and he managed to make his way home to safety .
10 But nothing came and a little before dawn the wind eased and he managed to close his eyes in the shelter of the old oak tree in which he had taken stance .
11 Her grip began to slacken and he kicked a little harder , perhaps sensing a reprieve , and he managed to turn his head around so that he could look at her .
12 And he managed to make good his escape .
13 ‘ Better ? ’ she said when he 'd taken a couple of swallows , and he managed to nod again .
14 Marguerite turned on Alain and he managed a tight smile .
15 I tipped the wink to a pal of mine who 's big in local government , and he managed to fix it for someone from the public health authority to write a letter full of threats and demands and legal gobbledegook .
16 The truth is Mr Fisher was a prominent member of the local Home Guard and he managed to persuade whoever it was in charge of building anti-invasion pillboxes that Fisher 's Farm was worth defending .
17 It swooped down towards Risborough and he managed to control it enough to bring it into a field
18 and he managed to get a ticket for a week
19 but he worked through and he managed to get out that it said appreciation
20 and he managed to pick up this prostitute , who only took cos business was slow .
21 B — jumps at him , Jack the referee drops on stomach to count but is fast between wrestlers and ca n't be seen and he manages to free himself , and counts 1 2 3 very quickly .
22 If he can convince the 19m north-easterners that he and his recently formed New Aspiration Party will give them a better deal , and he manages to form an electoral pact with the honest and popular governor of Bangkok , he could be on the way to becoming Thailand 's next prime minister .
23 Holt does not want children to be obliged to take on any of these responsibilities and he manages to make his point by concentrating solely on the rights so that he can remark :
24 And he manages to present what could be very dry stuff with the flair of a good detective writer , setting up expectations whose fulfilment contains an element of surprise , while saving up a few clinching strokes for the end .
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