Example sentences of "and particularly [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Conservative spokesmen , and particularly Baldwin , called for economic recovery based upon industrial peace , national unity and class harmony .
2 It was vital to concentrate defences in the western Pacific in the region , including the Aleutians , Midway , the former Japanese-mandated islands , the Philippines and particularly Okinawa .
3 The play 's chief problem lies in the fact that its Russian aspects , and particularly Slava 's mysterious second wife , refuse to become real .
4 What is to become of you and Guttersnipe and particularly Bargepole ?
5 She has praise for the ‘ wonderful cast ’ and particularly Brendan O'Hea who plays Evans .
6 They had received kindness , thoughts and good wishes from total strangers throughout England , Wales , Scotland — and particularly Ireland , he added .
7 If for the Frankfurt School the problem to be dealt with was the relation of the phenomena of fascism , and particularly Auschwitz , to the ideals of the enlightenment and the progress of reason , for the French poststructuralists the historical perspective was similarly long .
8 Hartlepool borough council , with the help of local people , has also concentrated its bid on renovating the town centre and particularly Church Street , hoping to attract firms into the town .
9 ‘ There is a shift in the centre of gravity of US foreign policy , ’ said a State Department seer , Mr Lawrence Eagleburger , ‘ from the trans-Atlantic relationship toward the Pacific basin and particularly Japan. ,
10 Moreover , useful as the clergy 's and particularly Winchelsey 's aid was to the magnates in the summer of 1297 , the laity had been encouraged to think that the clergy , especially because they did not fight , should bear a significant share of the financial costs of defence .
11 Such well preserved works can be seen for example in Southern France and Spain , rather than in Italy , and particularly Rome , where greater toll has been taken by the use of marble for rebuilding and by barbarian invasions .
12 When this country is already committed to the highly expensive Trident ( which , from changes in global politics , has become a complete white elephant ) ; when the need for the EFA is also , to say the least , questionable , as recognised by all the partners in it and particularly Germany ; and when our own government accepts that public spending cuts are essential ; then surely the EFA should be the prime target for those cuts .
13 Europe , and particularly Britain , has become a close tapestry of intensive agriculture with small pockets of natural habitat .
14 What matters is the contemporary nature of Saunders ' claims , not in abstraction but , because at a superficial level they , in common with similar work by Dahrendorf ( 1987 ) , Bauman ( 1987 ) , Pahl ( 1984 , 1985 ) and particularly Gorz ( 1982 ) , seem to make a lot of descriptive sense .
15 Here the schools and particularly Bologna and its students , as well as the judges scattered throughout Europe , began to take an interest .
16 And there is no reason why consumer-led movements in the West ( and particularly Japan ) can not make it as unacceptable to use tropical hardwoods in the future as it is to use , say , CFC aerosol sprays today .
17 It would not be long before de Lattre faced the divisions of Giap 's new model army in the set-piece battles which the Vietminh were prepared to risk in a premature general offensive ; and it was in more conventional war of this kind where US assistance and particularly US munitions would apparently tip the scale .
18 This group supported the formulation of a settlement within the Arab ranks and emphasized that the presence of foreign , and particularly US , troops in Saudi Arabia was a major obstacle to any solution of the crisis .
19 The dose equivalence for plasma potassium concentration , tremor , and particularly FEV 1 fell with increasing doses of salmeterol as would be expected if the responses were reaching a plateau .
20 Within academic psychology , Dinnerstein 's ( 1976 ) and particularly Chodorow 's ( 1978 ) accounts of how gendered emotional patterns are learned have had most influence .
21 You know how Kissinger 's policy lines up with that of Russia as regards Southern Africa and particularly Rhodesia .
22 At fifteen he was writing poetry under the avant-garde influence of Robert Graves , T. S. Eliot , and particularly W. H. Auden [ qq.v. ] , from whom he solicited a letter of encouragement .
23 It is perhaps surprising , with Healings ' huge mill in nearby Tewkesbury , that a few mills such as Northway and particularly Aston , managed to function for as long as they did .
24 THERE was a reminder that Gwynedd , and particularly Caernarfon , had a film industry long before the present upsurge in media activity started in the county , at a ceremony yesterday in one of the area 's best known media features .
25 Several architects made their contributions , the most significant being Matthew Brettingham the elder , James Paine the elder , and particularly Robert Adam [ qq.v. ] , who was also responsible for much of the interior decoration .
26 While such world-famous names as BSA and Triumph were modestly adjusting and ‘ tarting up ’ models which in their day had been in front , the Japanese and particularly Honda looked at the situation through new eyes .
27 The other concern in the City Council 's evidence on H One er is this issue of distribution , I note Mr Davis 's comments about the difficulties of subdividing the Greater York allocation between different districts , and I I do acknowledge the difficulty in relation to Harrogate , and particularly Hambledon which obviously has a very small proportion of Greater York , on the other hand both Ryedale and Selby do contain a substantial proportion of the Greater York population , er based on my calculations of their er proportion of the population of Greater York which admittedly is a somewhat crude way of of doing estimates , but in the absence of of any other projections that was really the only way to do it , my estimate is that the er compared with the nine seven target of County Council would take in the could potentially be seen to be taking a share of four thousand two hundred in Ryedale and seventeen hundred for Selby , if you base it on their existing population distribution on er part outside the city , now I 'm not saying necessarily that 's how the way you would do it , but I I think it 's an indication that the scale of development in those two districts is quite significant in Greater York , our concern is that the policy as it currently stands does not give any real guidance as to the way in which distribution of development outside the city , but in Greater York , erm can be er should be di divided up , and I think the problem really occurs from the introduction of the new settlement into H One , erm I do n't want to stray into the H Two debate Chair , but I think it 's the fact that H One does include a figure for the new settlement , that the new settlement is not located within any particular district , but that all the district totals do include in effect a figure which is undetermined at this stage , that that would be absorbed by the new settlement , as I understand the policy at the moment , and I think that really does introduce a problem , erm because clearly all of the emerging districts wide local plans could be in conformity with the structure plan and not include the new settlement , I think it 's er interesting to note that the the D O E's recently published a good practice guide , on development plans , did particularly highlight the situation in Greater York , as a problem , as a shortcoming of the existing plan , and if I can just quote it , it does say this , on page forty three , it would seem appropriate for broad locations of new development to be established by means of an alteration to the structure plan .
28 On the edge of London , Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire showed significant growth around Barnet , and particularly Slough , respectively .
29 Next , I would like to thank John for his support and encouragement I 'd like to mention Carole who has always been there when I 've needed At this point who again has always been very supportive I also want to thank members of the regional both past and present , but particularly I 'd like to thank all the regional officers and staff for their assistance and particularly George , Hugh and the officer I would also like to thank regional political officer for the Midlands and East Coast we now hold all the major positions of the Labour Party with I would also like to thank the national food and leisure committee for their help and support and particularly to David , Nick and To conclude , President , I 'd like to express my sincere thanks and love to those important people around me , my family .
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