Example sentences of "and remain so " in BNC.

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1 Traditional beer and pubs have been under threat for decades — and remain so today .
2 They hanged the couple on the understanding that Combe would become part of Berkshire and remain so .
3 These were truths and remain so in spite of the fallacious ideological baggage with which they are mixed up .
4 Where a court adjudges a Member bankrupt , it must notify the Speaker and , after six months , when the House takes note of the order , he may become disqualified and remain so after his discharge , the length of the disqualification depending upon whether the court certifies that he was not at fault ( in which case the period is one year ) , failing which the period is five years .
5 The tailwheel must be locked immediately before take-off and remain so until the completion of the landing roll , when it is unlocked for taxying and manoeuvring .
6 You can not possibly eat as much as you do and remain so slim . ’
7 White was a stylist then , and remains so .
8 The Foreign Office has always been deeply pro-Arab , or ‘ Arabist ’ , and remains so — a matter partly of culture and partly , perhaps , of guilt about the past failures of British policy in the region .
9 Back to our cell , which , after a word with Mr V. , is like a sauna and remains so all night despite open windows .
10 By the late 1930s it had been converted to a dwelling and remains so to this day .
11 This is the usual way into the caverns and remains so despite the later discovery of Lancaster Hole , since the access is easier .
12 The spoken word is one of the most persuasive and common methods of communication , and remains so , despite the advent of television .
13 The single case was used for the straightforward earth burial and was by far the most common coffin type — and remains so today .
14 Although no specific percentages were mentioned in the Act , the government had originally intended that the whole of the national curriculum should occupy 70 per cent of the timetable ; but it should also be remembered that religious education has been mandatory since 1944 and remains so .
15 Who said that Jesus was born only a man and remains so until his baptism .
16 That has always been the case and remains so , and it is true of the Bill .
17 The Company became known as Samuel Healing and Sons Ltd for much of its life and remained so until 1961 , when the whole operation was purchased by the international milling group , Allied Mills Ltd .
18 After all , most Local Education Authorities were Labour controlled , and remained so until the landslide local elections of 1968 and 1969 .
19 The spelling is frequently eccentric , and remained so all his life , although he read widely and voraciously .
20 Greek became the lingua franca of this region and remained so during the time of the Roman empire .
21 But , of course , the £50 deposit , at a time when the annual wage was less than £500 , was a powerful deterrent to all but the wealthiest families and remained so until the Baldwin Fund agreed to put up the money for children without guarantors or for foster parents who could not afford to pay .
22 The upper section of the sheet was left parted to expose the features to view and remained so until the time came to secure the lid .
23 Constance was born healthy and remained so .
24 He was initially classified as having low microalbuminuria and remained so at withdrawal .
25 The lingua franca of courtly discourse , imaginative literature , and record-keeping was French , and remained so for most of the fourteenth century .
26 But it was still a steam railway and remained so until after the turn of the century .
27 After serving on various eyres and assizes , he became chief justice of the King 's Bench in 1274 and remained so until 1290 ; in the last ten years of the reign he was chief justice of the Common Bench .
28 It became a favourite walk in the eighteenth century for the citizens of Exeter , and remained so until recent years .
29 Finally , although support for the strike call was not very strong across the four local ballots held in the ‘ in-between ’ group , solidarity was high in the early months , and remained so in Durham and Northumberland until the dispute 's end ; in the other three fields , however , support waned , with most Cumberland miners back at work by the end of 1984 , alongside about half of their contemporaries in North Derbyshire and Lancashire .
30 The average parish priest was poor and remained so throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries : he earned less than a well-paid labourer and was often dependent , in rural parishes , on the sale of eggs and on other minor agricultural pursuits .
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