Example sentences of "and less [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like so many of the visitors , though he was dressed in the bright overalls of the Men he stared for long periods into the Cages , but it seemed to Creggan that his staring was different from the others and less cruel .
2 Smaller and less variable than Desert Lark , from which readily distinguished by dark bar at tip of shorter tail .
3 It comprises elements from both modern and classical techniques ensuring that the lines and patterns made by the dancers ' bodies are more expressively stretched and angled and less rounded than usual , because so much is danced with tense emotion .
4 Although a lot of work is still to be done in this area , this technique appears to offer a new , more precise , quicker and less laborious method of identifying grains .
5 It is certain , however , that some of these primitive insects did develop a much swifter and less laborious method of getting down .
6 Consequently they received more protein-rich and less carbohydrate-rich food in their diet and suffered less from dental caries than the females did in the period Larsen studied .
7 It will develop operations in other countries ; it will seek to develop downstream subsidiaries ; it will become increasingly self-reliant and all this will make it less and less relevant to the responsibilities of a government ministry .
8 As described in more detail in Chapters 5 and 6 , the latter results from the growth in employment in public-sector services in the late 1960s and early 1970s and the search by companies for less cramped factory sites and for cheaper and less unionized labour such as married women ( Fothergill and Gudgin , 1982 ; Massey , 1984 ) .
9 Performance has to be exciting enough to make the boat attractive , but it has to be something that lighter and less experienced crews starting off in the class can handle .
10 I swung majestically from the very end of the crux traverse on Gimmer Crag 's Kipling Groove , in from of an audience I half expected to hold up marks for style , and had to allow my younger and less experienced partner to show me how it should be done .
11 The mentor system could have a dual role , benefiting both students and less experienced practitioners , who could share in the learning experience it offers .
12 Victory for Cambridge president James Behrens and his crew — lighter , younger and less experienced than their rivals — arrested a miserable run of six successive defeats and 16 losses in the last 17 years and consolidated the victors ' all-time lead at 70 wins to 68 .
13 It seems to me much better and less confusing if you admit in print that you were wrong .
14 In yet another classification , Reid distinguishes between truancy and less serious forms of poor attendance at school .
15 As well as the two ‘ big Cs ’ , coronaries and cancer , there is a whole group of other degenerative diseases like diabetes , diverticulosis and other disorders of the bowel — and less serious but still troublesome problems like varicose veins , haemorrhoids and constipation .
16 The physical and psychological problems may or may not be fewer and less serious than the problems associated with other drugs , but who knows what kind of problems the cultural changes will produce ?
17 But this progression will not continue indefinitely until punishment disappears ; on the contrary , Durkheim predicted that the tendency would reverse , and less serious crimes against the person would come to be criminalized .
18 He had shaved off his beard , and his face looked less thin and less serious than before .
19 Neurosis is the name given to the more common and less serious types of mental disorder , like anxiety .
20 The former and less serious type is a breach of warranty and the latter is a breach of condition .
21 The effect is a much more ambivalent and less fixed positioning of subjectivity .
22 Well now , it 's not that any of us are exactly against egalitarianism , democracy and ecological responsibility , any more than Americans are supposed to be ( or were , at least in pre-feminist and less health-conscious days ) against motherhood and apple pie .
23 The largest and most buzzard-like harrier of the region , with broader , more rounded wings and less graceful flight .
24 He learned , too , how the soil became damper and less resonant as both species gradually abdicated before the tattered white willows which marched thirstily alongside the streams that tumbled towards the river .
25 People are seen as being more selfish , aggressive , and less tolerant and happy than was the case a decade ago .
26 So instead of being relaxed and content , he was tenser and less tolerant than ever .
27 However , after 1918 feminist arguments became less and less distinct .
28 The NHS is assumed to benefit financially from reduced extra duty payments and reduced medicolegal costs as junior doctors would be ‘ better supervised and less exhausted . ’
29 The showrooms of the House of Oliver were smaller and less grand than those at the House of Mattli but the décor was newer and fresher , pale grey drapes , ultra modern black furniture and a great deal of gleaming stainless steel .
30 Our ‘ Shoestring ’ properties tend to be smaller and less grand than most of the larger resort hotels , and are an excellent choice if you 're looking for a more ‘ ethnic ’ type of holiday .
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