Example sentences of "and whatever they " in BNC.

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1 No member of the family knew her exact age and whatever they might have guessed she would have denied flatly .
2 Whoever they were and whatever they were doing , both were obviously far more scared than he was .
3 The campaign works indirectly by rumour to frighten people , and whatever they can or ca n't prove the threat is carried by word of mouth and claimants run for cover .
4 That is , they involve a second and wholly different relation , a semantic or intentional relation between themselves and whatever they represent .
5 GO ON GO ON GO ON … ’ their voices seemed as harsh and frightening as the sky and as chilly cold as the wind and whatever they said he could n't , he knew he could n't .
6 Whatever people say to him in confidence and whatever they may say in twos or threes , if he had been here when the issue was raised on the Floor of the House only a week or so ago he would have realised — indeed he was here so he should have realised this instantly — that the leaders of the groups might come to an —
7 and whatever they contained —
8 An English observer much involved in these problems complained of Russian diplomats in 1673 that " it is their Custome , to think , whatsoever they get , too little , and whatever they give , too much " , while in 1698 an embassy sent by the Emperor Leopold I to Moscow argued that in future , to avoid such disagreements , the tsar and the Holy Roman Emperor should each be responsible for the maintenance of their own embassies in the way now generally accepted in Europe .
9 Fifteen there 's fifteen there and whatever they need here .
10 disconnected the gas , took that bloody old heater off , connected it up somewhere else and whatever they 're gon na do and then the gas is coming through a fire .
11 mm , the thing is though , that was n't a Court hearing yesterday and whatever they say is gon na incriminate them so if they want to ask them questions they 've got ta take them to Court have n't they ?
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