Example sentences of "and stay there " in BNC.

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1 The pointes The use of pointes as a delicate finishing touch is not always exploited by today 's choreographers , who often use them to display their dancers ' ability to ‘ get up and stay there ’ — come what may !
2 I used to go and stay there at Christmastime , after Father died , and there was always a nice present on the juniper tree for me and lots of good things to eat .
3 Aunt Bessie used to go and stay there and take Mother along too .
4 And then we can all go and stay there .
5 At 19 these young people — and hundreds like them all over the country — are likely to be going home and staying there .
6 Charles continued to live with her in Cambridge , commuting by car to Ipswich to teach his classes , and staying there for a night or two each week .
7 What petty little tin god had been responsible for this I do not know , for Mr Herbert Morrison , the leader of the LCC as it was then , had set the example after the great fire of December 1961 by taking his bed into the next office to his , and staying there all night .
8 Martin needed a bit of time to settle down and should have been given a couple of throws in his usual position in the middle before going to the front and staying there .
9 Forget all those tales of our taking our position at dawn and staying there hardly daring to move .
10 The survivors I have interviewed mostly remembered going straight on to piece-work and staying there , although in larger offices , like Clark 's , some experienced Women workers did become stab hands .
11 No , the picture tormenting her mind was of herself waking in fitzAlan 's arms and staying there .
12 The man had n't grouted the tiles in properly he 'd used some sort of rough old cement and the water was just going through and staying there !
13 round about the first world war time , he used this sort of sort of pitching his tent up to the and staying there and learning their language and observing their rituals , getting to know them .
14 Once the carbohydrate has been consumed it is stored as glycogen in the muscles and stays there until it is required for energy .
15 The other parafauna necessity is the static line which is clipped to the carrier or transporter and stays there This carries the release pin and , from that , a second line which we will explain later .
16 This does n't seem to happen when coral sand is mixed with gravel ( I use about 25% coral to 75% gravel ) , probably because the coral slips into the interstices of the gravel and stays there .
17 The CB was defined as : Olwyn goes to bed before 8pm every evening and stays there .
18 Keith goes to bed at 7.30pm each evening and stays there till 7am .
19 Once here , we can make sure he gets inside the brandy bottle and stays there . ’
20 gone to their house and stays there .
21 He never realised , on that eventful day , that she would ‘ come into my arms ’ ( as he put it ) and stay there for so many years , adding in no small degree to the legends of love which keep the world sane and hopeful .
22 If she sat beside him her head would loll onto his shoulder and stay there for long moments .
23 It 'd be real easy — I 'd just say to myself ‘ Well , I think I 'll just pop over and see Marie today ’ , and five minutes later I 'd be there and we could have tea together , then if I did n't want to stay the night I 'd just fly into the sky again and stay there .
24 It might also cause the price of oil to soar above $50 a barrel and stay there for some months .
25 He 'd most likely go back to Thirkett or wherever he 'd come from and stay there .
26 It was very dark , and Anne felt something slap into her face and stay there .
27 Sediments containing such radionuclides were thought by the nuclear scientists to sink to the bottom of the sea bed , and stay there .
28 You have got just to find some place and stay there and get stuck in .
29 In contrast to some other low-income countries in Africa , most children do eventually get to primary school and stay there for a few years .
30 So I used to say to each crowd : ‘ Look , when you see me or see my inspector , move to the kerb and stay there .
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