Example sentences of "and [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 The Stormtex outer gives the jacket a fair amount of shower and wind protection ; excellent for hillwalking and hanging about at the bottom of climbs .
2 Change and change about
3 Rose tells me he 's back and peacocking about as a vicar . ’
4 They ventured under its rays for breakfast and tea and lolled about in it during the afternoons .
5 relax on parsley and smirk about
6 Nobody appeared to show the least surprise when Charles appeared in Service Dress after his servant had arranged a room at the farm for the change and a hot water wash after a little light work on the trench system , trenches that bore every resemblance to those he had seen and read about as constructed in the First War .
7 KEYS : ‘ But it is not just a question of what is going on on the park , it 's what 's happening elsewhere that we 're beginning to hear and read about and that 's never been the case at Liverpool previously , ever .
8 She seeks out the host queen , and rides about on her back while she quietly performs , to quote Edward Wilson 's artfully macabre understatement , ‘ the one act for which she is uniquely specialized : slowly cutting off the head of her victim ’ .
9 Eventually there were dozens of people clustered around me , looking at me , asking me questions , scratching their heads , looking at their watches and gazing about .
10 Heavenly bodies taunted me , encircling the crucible , performing their daily stunts of scorching and freezing , and bringing about the oddest sights .
11 Once it is understood that the symptoms of disease are actually a good thing in that they are the highly characteristic outward indication of the healing and balancing process that is going on inside each individual person , then to give a medicine that is capable of mimicking and bringing about that same process suddenly seems to be a good idea ; both totally reasonable and logical .
12 The therapist should indicate other less disruptive methods of obtaining help and bringing about change .
13 Faith coming before and bringing about healing is as real to many Christians today as it was at the time of the Gospel .
14 Traditionally , men have communicated through the media on behalf of all humankind , influencing public opinion , and bringing about political , economic and social change from their point of view .
15 The pressures of war also diverted Great Power attention away from East Asia , leaving Japan a freer hand to extend her interests there and bringing about a permanent weakening in the ability of Western powers to influence affairs in the area .
16 British seamen in the US deserted in droves , alarming the new British government and bringing about a revived dialogue not only on seamen 's complaints about the inadequacy of British pay , the constantly recurring problems of loss of wages and effects when torpedoed and the inroad made by railway fares when they were paid off from diverted ships , but also on the dangerous state of mind of seamen who were incensed by the conviction that they were constantly subject to neglect , mishandling and coercion .
17 Thus Tony Benn , in June 1975 and three months into his tenure as Secretary of State for Industry , summed up what this volume is all about — his vain attempt to persuade government and Civil Service to implement Labour Party policy and bring about an irreversible shift of power and wealth to the working class .
18 To sum up the hybrid theory that has emerged : it is that non-reinforced pre-exposure to a stimulus will allow the formation of potentially interfering associations and bring about a loss of associability .
19 At forty-five years of age he was at the height of his powers , determined to drive out the Almoravids and bring about a united Spain .
20 Self-massage with essential oils , combined with skin-brushing ( described at the beginning of this chapter ) and aromatic baths will increase your energy levels and bring about a sense of well-being — almost equivalent to a professional aromatherapy massage !
21 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
22 It is an Aboriginal understanding that the fauna and flora of the landscape has an ‘ increase centre ’ — an area of high electro-magnetic energy , where the performance of correct rituals will release the life essence or Kurunba stored there and bring about the desired increase .
23 So will lower mortgage rates and house prices be enough to attract the first-time buyer back into the market and bring about the long-awaited recovery in house prices ?
24 Our unified purpose should be to seize the chance when our enemy at home was weak , to sweep the capitalist class out of the way and bring about peace .
25 Edward VIII , the rise of Hitler , and World War Three which will last three years and seven months and bring about the end of the world .
26 So too his message of the coming kingdom can not be lifted out and carried over to the present : that message was refuted when Jesus himself attempted to provoke the intervention of God and bring about the end of history by challenging the powers and authorities of his own day .
27 Shah 's victory opened the door to a brave new world in which the proprietors could , once more , manage the industry and bring about the sorts of changes which they had long desired .
28 I 'm currently working out measures which can follow up on the policy statement and bring about changes in practice and law .
29 In the immediate aftermath of the plague , neither combatant was anxious to resume the war , and both were willing to listen to Pope Innocent VI when he attempted to mediate between them and bring about a lasting peace .
30 More fundamental doubts about the war were expressed by Richard de Bury Bishop of Durham in his Philobiblion , where he said that ‘ war , wanting discretion of reason , furiously attacks whatever falls in its way , and not being under the guidance of reason it destroys the vessels of reason ’ , and he beseeched ‘ the ruler of Olympus and the most high Dispenser of all the world , that he may abolish war , establish peace , and bring about tranquil times under his own special protection ’ .
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