Example sentences of "and [Wh det] happens " in BNC.

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1 What Kafka discovers is that there is no direct relation between what I feel and what happens to me .
2 And what happens , ’ asked Henry mischievously , ‘ when Cousin Amy is n't there and your friends have an extra man ? ’
3 The book now goes on to my sister and what happens next is up to her .
4 And what happens when Sadat dies ?
5 A key question is which of the existing ITV companies will win back their contracts — and what happens to their programmes if they do n't ?
6 And what happens ?
7 Despite these important advancements , however , the problem of what happens to mentally handicapped people when they reach the later school-leaving age of nineteen remains , and what happens when they may face the prospects of a lifetime of unfulfilment which could quickly undermine the considerable efforts made by teachers , houseparents , parents and guardians to help the mentally handicapped child attain his or her full potential .
8 He takes a practice swing , sets himself again , looks at the target — and what happens ?
9 And what happens when one generation of whiz-kids runs out of steam and needs to be replaced ?
10 And what happens on Christmas Day itself ?
11 The question of whether an authority is exceeding its power in imposing a particular condition on a planning permission — ultra vires , as the law puts it — and what happens when ultra vires , is easily stated but difficult to determine in practice .
12 And what happens if it turned out to be the Lord Bruce — eh ?
13 I 'd then build the whole system , test it , then ship it out to them , and what happens ?
14 And what happens when that 's too long ?
15 What happens to your spirit and what happens to your body ’ ? ’
16 So how does the committee operate and what happens to the results of its deliberations ?
17 You know , kinda like a bigger version of me … ’ ) and what happens when you pull out but the condom stays in .
18 The sale of the island is like a lottery and what happens here will depend on the whims of however becomes the owner . ’
19 Comment : Though the inspectorate gives advice , it is unclear what this is , whether it is taken and what happens if it is ignored .
20 She describes the context of the child care service , the preventive services and what happens when they are not enough to maintain children at home .
21 Having looked at research and related policy and practice of child care in the community and what happens before a child is received into care , the next chapters then deal with a range of issues which are related to what happens when children and young people are in care .
22 You just have to sit there and see what happens — and what happens is , on the whole , pretty gruesome : the sweat-plastered hair ; the nightie up round the armpits ; the chipped enamel bowl full of afterbirth — and all without the soft focus of a Pethedine injection .
23 What is the process and what happens when people give and exchange messages ?
24 The essence of the skill lies in diagnosing a mismatch between the designer 's intentions and what happens in the classroom and then deciding if the mismatch is such that modifications in the unit are necessary .
25 And what happens in actual human situations which are what get me , and I 'm going to give you three and I guarantee their genuineness you will doubt them all I have not the least fear but I guarantee you their genuineness , they come from the records of Age Concern Scotland of which I am the president .
26 Typical standing orders for a student body deal with the order of business , the minutes , the selection of speakers , Chairman 's rules , speeches and interruptions , motions and amendments , withdrawals and additions , closing debates , adjournments , points of information and order , voting , notice of motions , rescinding a resolution , motions of confidence and what happens when these standing orders are suspended .
27 In the early stages of a book I always write out two things : one , the plot , that is , the murder and how it happened and perhaps how eventually it will be seen for what it is ; two , the story ( which to make what I mean even clear to myself I generally label " The Storyline " ) , that is , in very rough outline what happens first and what happens next and next and next .
28 And what happens to them , again , through the Occupational Health Centre , th they arra arrange for an optician to give them a full , full eye test and then we get a report back on that situation .
29 The tapping from the furnace is done by means of tap holes in the side of the furnace and these are plugged with clay and what happens is one of the workers has a lump of clay on the end of a long metal rod .
30 Right great and what happens what seems to be happening with a base and an acid or an acid and a base ?
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