Example sentences of "and [pers pn] knew " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everyone started laughing and I was concerned that ‘ Jacki ’ might feel alienated but he immediately started laughing himself and I knew I 'd signed a character who 'd get on fine in Scotland . ’
2 In our family my cousins and I knew well beforehand because there were always slightly older sisters and cousins who told us …
3 Just because he came here in his working clothes and I knew he drove a lorry …
4 Dholuo was the language and I knew I was an encumbrance until I could make myself understood .
5 ‘ He knew and I knew , the obvious thing for him was a yorker .
6 This resulted in ‘ Aladdin ’ and I knew I did n't have much more to say about rock and roll .
7 The other students stayed seated , all turned towards the newcomer , anxious to make his acquaintance , and I knew only too well that he could have any one of them he liked as his friend .
8 And I knew he knew it .
9 After all , I had no real claim upon your attention , and I knew I meant so little to you I could be dropped at any moment without a second thought .
10 You looked back at me , and I knew I had to follow you .
11 Again you just looked at me , and I knew I had to do as you had done , so I stretched out my right hand and touched the bones , which were slightly sticky .
12 Yet I could not let him go : his love was too precious to me , and I knew I would never find its like again .
13 The white calico drawers would be standard wear , laundered all together , and I knew , having realized that none of the patients wore their dental plates , that there was no place here for black lace with rosebuds — nor if I brought them would they be long in her possession .
14 Then Julius Caesar comes up and I knew what he were going to say before he said it . ’
15 In any case — thank God — eventually my period came and I knew I was n't pregnant .
16 But I loved the orchestra the moment I stood in front of it ; and I knew from that moment that wherever my musical life might lead me in the meantime , this was what I wanted .
17 And I knew it was wrong , but I could n't get out of this tradition because of the difficulty of realizing the inner content of the music .
18 ‘ I was looking forward to the film because there is a beginning and an end , and I knew where the character was going . ’
19 I was looking forward to the film because there 's a beginning and an end , and I knew exactly where the character was going .
20 ‘ That bitch … ’ said Surkov softly , and I knew at once he was referring to Imogen .
21 I was only 19 or 20 , and I knew nothing about singing — but I was conscious of two things .
22 I was running , and I knew it .
23 He pleaded on the radio and I knew something terrible was happening there .
24 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
25 She should be the centre of social life abhorred and dominant , and she should sit like a great spider behind the curtains of the Garden Room , spying on her friends , and I knew that her name must be Elizabeth Mapp .
26 He reflected , ‘ It was a disaster , this movie , and I knew then it was going to set me back . ’
27 ‘ Those were all done on one roll of film ’ he explained , ‘ Because they had to be instantaneous and I knew if I went back again , it would not be the same .
28 And I knew in some sort , I think , that the animal was my brother , in this meek and helpless form .
29 Of course I did n't know at the time that this was to have been O's last night in The Bar ; and I knew that it was n't Boy 's first visit to The Bar , I mean he did not see O the very day he walked in , their eyes did not meet across the bar on that very first night .
30 But then eventually the surroundings grew unrecognizable and I knew I had gone beyond all previous boundaries .
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