Example sentences of "of food for " in BNC.

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1 And there is plenty of food for thought .
2 As a result , the majority of farmers continued to concentrate their efforts on the production of food for their own families , rather than for the market .
3 I 'd have a mountain of food for supper ! ’
4 The river system serves simultaneously as a commercial waterway , a source of huge volumes of water for industry , and a sink for the wastes and debris of modern society , as well as a source of food for the human population and a livelihood for tens of thousands of fisherfolk .
5 A peasant 's garden would have been an important additional source of food for him and his family and , in good years , any surplus could have been sold to augment his income as well .
6 Resistant to flood , fire and drought they can provide a continuous supply of food for huge assemblies of animals that have become specially adapted to feeding on them .
7 Oryx make better use of the available plant food than domestic animals , and if given adequate protection in the wild could become a valuable source of food for local people .
8 Since World War II , especially , technology-inspired governments have tended to regard the oceans virtually as a bottomless source of food for the world 's billions , and of oil and minerals besides ; and the world 's great rivers are systematically ‘ harnessed ’ for hydro-electric power , and re-directed for irrigation and for transport .
9 There 's plenty of food for the world however many people there are in it , because no one 's started farming the seas yet , have they ?
10 Fruit is so tasty , however , so sweet and juicy , that it is a favourite source of food for a huge variety of mammals , birds and reptiles .
11 The survival of the fittest meant that the struggle for life condemned millions of living creatures to starvation or violent death from many causes , not by any means the least important of which was the provision of food for other species .
12 This pasture land then is a very good source of food for grazing livestock , as well as the crops that will follow .
13 When nearly all the passengers ( including Filmer ) had left , heading for their own rooms or the observation car , we cleared the tables , spread fresh cloths and began thinking of food for ourselves .
14 You get a large volume or bulk of food for a small or moderate number of calories , and that in itself is going to necessitate considerably more chewing and take considerably more time .
15 The aquarium has been successful in reproducing anemones , nudibranchs and various shelled molluscs ; octopods ; Crustaceans , especially shrimps , with a view to commercial farming for the aquarium ; and starfish which have proved so bountiful that their eggs and young provide an endless supply of food for other specimens .
16 Types of food for fish
17 The initial record of all food and drink consumed for a week helped us to see if our clients were depriving themselves of food for long periods and if they were eating balanced meals .
18 She had bought all kinds of food for a dinner party .
19 Bruch contrasts this fortunate majority with both the anorexic and the obese person , neither of whom knows how to gauge the state of her own stomach or assess what is a reasonable requirement of food for her own bodily needs.9 The obese person can not recognise that her stomach is full , nor the anorexic that hers is empty .
20 But last year 's GBH was seven hour-and-a-half episodes of broad , jaundiced political satire laced with classic double-bluffs , highly effective set-pieces , a touch of ( Tory ) evil and an abundance of food for thought .
21 Plenty of food for thought ahead to go with your pint of Whitbread Best Bitter , Flowers Original , Heineken or Courage over the bar !
22 He 's struggling along at present with fifty or so sheep , growing a bit of food for himself along with his winter feed for the beasts .
23 Tropical forests undergo little seasonal change so they provide a constant supply of food for creatures such as this fruit bat , also known as a flying fox ( right ) .
24 ‘ We 've got masses of food for a picnic , so you do n't have to feed us .
25 Paulette made a plate of food for herself , then poured some ale out of Sharpe 's stone bottle into one of the Prince 's Sèvres teacups .
26 This small but nutritious fish is used in the manufacture of food for farmed salmon , exported as mink food or converted into fish meal .
27 Poor nutrition can be caused by inadequate or restricted intake of food for a variety of reasons .
28 ‘ Plenty of food for thought in that . ’
29 Mid-day snacks or meals are cheap , a dish of food for £1–£2 .
30 British farmers are not producing the right kind of food for a healthy diet .
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