Example sentences of "of areas of " in BNC.

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1 Although the policy review will be endorsed by the conference , giving Neil Kinnock the freedom to go on to the offensive against the Conservatives in the run-up to the next general election , there are a number of areas of potential conflict .
2 Although old-fashioned spheres of influence were anathema to the United States , there was a tacit acknowledgement of areas of primary leadership in the protection of Western interests from the cancer of Communism .
3 Though not as obsessive as Bacon , Hobbes shares not only an interest in the classifications of areas of study , but also something of the actual divisions .
4 A claim for money generally had to be substantiated by evidence of careful planning , identification of areas of shortfall , prioritising and cost-effective exercises .
5 It is recommended that they approach , in the first instance , the Head of the relevant Department who can advise on the range of areas of supervised research , and the availability of staff .
6 Graduates with specific research interests are encouraged to continue their research as postgraduate students working with staff of the Department in a variety of areas of specialism .
7 These courses involve the study of the development of software and hardware for a variety of areas of application .
8 Instead , most books make pious noises about more research being required rather than offering a frank discussion the of areas of ignorance .
9 Geoffrey Reynolds , Southern Area Superintendent , has worked to develop an associational strategy for planting new churches , helping colleagues to gain an overall view of areas of growth and of need in the south .
10 Acceptance , dependence or rejection will therefore be inextricably tied in with the preservation of areas of activity which have given self-esteem , which are associated with a particular role function , which confirm the old person as the sort of person he or she wants to be .
11 In a number of areas of England it has been observed that early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are frequently close to parish boundaries , particularly in Wiltshire .
12 The Abbaye De Villeneuve is one of the exclusive listed buildings offered by France Patrimoine Historic Hotels Group , specialists in a wide range of theme weekends and tours of areas of historic interest in France .
13 If a child has a number of areas of weakness , it should be possible to organise these in terms of their significance for functional communication .
14 1978 ) administered in the early stages of the visually handicapped child 's schooling is a useful predictor of areas of visual perception that may be a source of problems when the child is using ordinary play materials , pictures and toys .
15 Treatment has concentrated on the removal of dirt accumulated over the centuries and conservation of areas of the bronze affected by acid rain and pigeon droppings .
16 The outcome has been a major advance in thinking about the curriculum in holistic terms , in which curriculum planning is done not just in terms of subjects and their traditional labels , but also in terms of areas of experience , skills and processes as well as knowledge , and personal and affective aspects as well as the cognitive .
17 The emergence of new-right governments in the 1980s has called in question the previous welfare consensus , and apparently signalled a drive towards the ‘ recommodification ’ of areas of social life previously handled by public policy decision .
18 Even so , I was throwing in a certain amount of text in an attempt to build an entire justification for the picture , so that exhibition at the Tate was a display of areas of interest rather than paintings .
19 It follows , I believe , that if the GMC was given responsibility in this area it would have to exercise it comprehensively , in an enormous number of areas of both conventional and unorthodox practice .
20 ( c ) To undertake special studies of areas of importance within the ambit of the department .
21 Further , a Housing Act directed at those on low incomes provided subsidies for public housing , and a group of acts tried to improve urban living conditions , reduce pollution , strengthen consumer protection and promote the conservation of areas of great natural beauty .
22 The classic British ‘ regional problem ’ of the coalfields in the 1930s resulted from the collapse of the coal industry ( partly as a result of the collapse of the UK 's position within an earlier international division of labour ) which had been so central to the economic structure of a number of areas of the country .
23 This approach , whilst employing a similar list of areas of experience to that employed in Curriculum 11–16 and the Munn Report , avoids the criticism of ignoring teaching methods .
24 Two of areas of difference they highlight are particularly relevant to the public sector — scope and responsibility .
25 The most common practical uses of landscape evaluation have however been in the preparation of land use plans ( Penning-Rowsell , 1974 ) planning in rural areas ( Rogers , 1981b ) and the definition of areas of scenic value like Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( Anderson , 1981b ; Preece , 1980 ) .
26 A formal bureaucratic structure , by creating a well-defined awareness of areas of authority and responsibility , may lead to ‘ empire building ’ — ie. hoarding authority to prove competence and ability .
27 For each of these I then evolved time-limited discussion structures applying to the subject of disruption a simple group interaction method ( for which I would make no claims of originality ) , a process intended to maximize the chances of ‘ on-task ’ participation leading to clear definition and appreciation of areas of agreement and divergence and needs for further analysis or action .
28 It thus differs from business education whose concern is more broadly based in terms of areas of knowledge and the techniques relevant to business operations , though , of course , there is a good deal of overlap between the two subject areas .
29 Within the Modular Course identification of areas of concern has been followed by one-off evaluation studies , or incorporation into a review cycle .
30 The statement of areas of information held should identify restricted as well as unrestricted information .
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