Example sentences of "of health [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Act imposes a duty on all holders of health records , usually a hospital or GP , to disclose information on application by a patient .
2 This will involve the integration of research in different disciplinary fields , and will draw on existing work , such as the study of health beliefs , to establish a theoretical framework for the understandings of social perceptions of pain .
3 The programme offers evening classes in courses not related to the job and a range of health services .
4 No one , for example , can take hold of twenty-five million pounds ' worth of health services and say that these , and these precisely , are owed to the fact of a prescription charge : you can not point to the beds , the treatments , the nurses and demonstrate that these would not individually have been provided , however undeniable the fact may be in general .
5 At the heart of the Government 's programme is the introduction of competition into the provision of health services .
6 The GP has a crucial role to play in the development of health services .
7 We will create a common structure of Local Management of Hospitals and community units , ending the ability of NHS Trusts to dispose of their capital assets , to set their own terms and conditions of service for staff , and to withdraw from local planning of health services .
8 The fragmentation of health services is a major handicap in any concerted effort to combat AIDS .
9 If discrimination is not to increase , questions about the volume and quality of health services for older people will become increasingly urgent and must be faced .
10 critical questions are asked about the volume and quality of health services for older people compared with those provided for younger groups ;
11 Some have more old people ( who make relatively heavy use of health services ) and women of child-bearing age ( who require maternity services ) and so on .
12 Among the most fundamental of the proposals designed to meet these objectives are changes in the method of allocating resources to health authorities and the separation of the provision of health services from their funding , using what many have termed an ‘ internal market ’ .
13 At the other end of the managerial hierarchy is the ambitious Management Education Syllabus and Open Learning ( MESOL ) project sponsored by the Training Authority and devised by the Open University and the Institute of Health Services Management .
14 Although most existing powers and responsibilities over the delivery of health services and the production of utilities , such as electricity and gas , were effectively removed by post-war nationalization , within the welfare state the role of councils was substantially increased , building on responsibilities some of them had already claimed in the inter-war period .
15 Regional Health Authorities within a Ministry of Health may facilitate the most effective and responsive administration of health services ; local job centres , as limbs of a Ministry of Employment , or local social security offices , as the point of access for claimants to the benefits provided , are examples of the deconcentration of central government services .
16 Looking back over our century one can not help feeling that despite all the research , the new drugs and the improved surgical techniques , to say nothing of the introduction of health services in many western countries , the health of our societies has declined rather than improved .
17 Meanwhile , a new report on NHS funding commissioned by the RNC and the Institute of Health Services Management complains that the way the Treasury forecasts spending is shrouded in secrecy .
18 The religious/municipal dichotomy , coupled with a lack of direct state provision of health services , probably accounts for the lack of a widespread deinstitutionalizing or care transfer movement .
19 Such closures should provide a source of staff , capital and revenue to support the development of the new pattern of health services , including community psychiatric nursing , for the mentally ill and perhaps help to support the development of services provided by local authorities .
20 The American theory of autonomic development of interest group pressures to ensure equitable state policy outcomes draws attention to the shape of popular pressures of health services .
21 Sickness absence is important as a measure of ill health ; as a measure of use of health services ; as a cause of lost productivity ; and as an indicator of an employee 's ability to cope with and maintain normal roles at work .
22 impact of health services
23 The benefits of health services are not well quantified and may never be quantified , particularly in the face of scientific , technological , and organisational change .
24 Nevertheless , the findings of McKeown and Lowe should not be interpreted as denying the role of health services in improving health .
25 We propose a model for organisation of health services that defines a different relationship between general practitioners and NHS management ( figure ) .
26 Opening the black box : an encounter in the corridors of health services research
27 soc : Perhaps , but part of the reason lies in the culture of health services research .
28 No developments on the scale needed for London have been carried out within primary care within the lifetime of the NHS — but their success will be critical to the calibre of health services for Londoners into the next century .
29 The inequalities in health debate has focused on identifying the extent to which socially generated variations in both health status and use of health services exist within and between populations .
30 This increased expenditure upon the older age groups probably arises from the inter-relationship of several factors including : price inflation in health care ; population change ; the increased use of health services .
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