Example sentences of "of police [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Critics of consultative committees dismiss them as ineffectual talking shops , dominated by the ‘ concerned and worthy ’ middle classes and excluding those members of dispossessed minorities on the receiving end of police policies ( Brogden et al. , 1988:176 ) .
2 ‘ At present , only about one per cent of police officers in England and Wales and about 1.5 per cent of Metropolitan Police officers are from racial minorities . ’
3 The committee proposes relaxation of height requirements and an equal opportunities policy ‘ based on a genuine commitment to increase the proportion of police officers from the ethnic minorities to match the proportion in the local population . ’
4 Police helmets could be seen bobbing above the crowd as a small corps of police officers attempted to force their way through to rescue Clasper from the hands of the mob .
5 ‘ The benefits of such a development would be a renewal of public confidence and a reawakening of the morale of police officers of all ranks . ’
6 Information collected on the professional experience of front-line practitioners revealed that the majority of police officers w&re more experienced than their social work counterparts .
7 The practice developed of ferrying this minority of strike-breakers to their collieries in NCB vehicles , protected all the way by large numbers of police officers .
8 In August 1988 a number of police officers joined forces to pursue a person whom it was alleged had been driving recklessly .
9 After a three-year investigation involving the Police Complaints Authority , it was announced that a number of police officers were to be admonished or advised about their conduct and were to face disciplinary charges .
10 New policing strategies The commitment of large numbers of police officers to the task of keeping the pits open made it impossible for the National Union of Mineworkers to achieve a total shut-down in domestic coal production .
11 A second feature of public order policing highlighted by the miners ' strike was the use of èlite groups of police officers within each police force .
12 But the miners ' strike did not only reveal that èlite groups of police officers were operating to some extent under national co-ordination and control .
13 A number of police officers face charges relating to their alleged misbehaviour on that night , after complaints involving more than 100 officers were referred to the Police Complaints Authority .
14 The Watch Committee 's dismissal of one Liverpool constable in 1843 illustrates the orthodox explanation of the rapid turnover of police officers in the early years , when a force such as the Metropolitan could lose one-third of its work-force annually .
15 Meet these demands and the targeting of police officers will stop !
16 At his east London home Vernage had crude pictures and photographs of police officers pinned to a wall .
17 Just before dawn on Thursday , Joanna was dumped a quarter of a mile from the spot where she had vanished , right under the noses of police officers searching for her .
18 ( ‘ Reliance is rightly placed ’ , he wrote , ‘ on the integrity and competence of police officers . ’ )
19 Unremarkable by the standards of police officers , that is .
20 A team of police officers swooped on the men 's home in Penny Lane at 9am yesterday and arrested them after breaking down the front door .
21 They were : ( a ) murders in the course or furtherance of theft , ( b ) murders by shooting or causing an explosion , ( c ) murders in the course or for the purpose of resisting lawful arrest or of escaping from legal custody , ( d ) murders of police officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them , and ( e ) murders by prisoners of prison officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them .
22 The case was the subject of an inquiry by a former High Court judge , Sir Henry Fisher , whose report included forceful criticisms of police officers and of a lawyer in the DPP 's Department .
23 To his left were three NYPD police cars , parked bumper to bumper , and behind them a human chain of police officers , all armed with handguns and rifles .
24 In 1976 the Police Complaints Board was established with limited functions to oversee the disciplining of police officers , who had contravened the Police Disciplinary Code but had not faced criminal charges .
25 And he was to be the first of a growing number of police officers to take part once a week — as we tried to persuade our viewers to do more to help the police in preventing and solving crimes , as well as catching the villains .
26 During half-time today a number of police officers will be questioning you all over the disappearance , during the early hours of Monday morning , of our grandstand .
27 So consequently after eighty one , or after the troubles in eighty one , erm there was an extra allocation of police officers in , and they were told to police mainly the area of the Flats Complex , which was perhaps where the troubles where in .
28 One crowd of pickets was prevented from getting within half a mile of the gates by lines of police officers , while a second group , who had managed to assemble earlier opposite the gates , was charged by police horses and dog handlers .
29 Where the BBC commentary suggests that the ‘ mere presence ’ of police officers was the trigger for the violence , Roman acknowledges that the arrival of the lorries — not naked hostility towards the police — was the pretext for disorder .
30 Now it has been rendered virtually obsolete by the introduction of quasi-military squads of police officers known as SWAT ( Special Weapons and Tactics ) units .
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