Example sentences of "of your mind " in BNC.

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1 Quickly put it out of your minds and carry on with the task in hand .
2 Pass all through the mill of your mind and do n't use forms unmeaningly , like buttons on the back of a coat … although house building is very much a practical art the practical elements may be met gracefully and pleasantly , there is scope for dignity , humour and even romance .
3 Please , Chief Inspector , put that out of your mind .
4 Or else you sort of jotted them down at the back of your mind , you know , to think about them later , but you never remembered , or you did but it was too late , they 'd gone , your head was full of other things . ’
5 When you have thought about all these things , when you have fully absorbed into the darkest parts of your mind the sub-human horror of them , you will realize , must realize , with the blinding force of a revelation that I could not by the very nature of my soul be so implicated in such a maze of lust and filth .
6 In the end you had to try to put things that you saw out of your mind or else you would go mad .
7 you 're always concerned , do n't get me wrong , but you just put it to the back of your mind .
8 ‘ Well , you have to laugh about things like this , do n't you , otherwise you 'd go out of your mind .
9 ‘ Never mind , darling , just remember that the colour of your skin is not the colour of your mind . ’
10 To find yourself able to leave everyone , and everything , behind just by drawing on the strength of your mind and indeed your body is a very liberating experience .
11 Keep in the forefront of your mind the question — is it structurally sound ?
12 You 're out of your mind , old fellow .
13 Once it 's down in black and white , you know you ca n't forget it so you can put it out of your mind until the next day .
14 You may have heard people speak about the loss of brain cells as we get older but , as Tony Buzan , expert in the working of the human mind , writes in his book Make the Most of Your Mind :
15 However , everything you see and which has been understood is lodged safely in your subconscious and can be brought to the forefront of your mind should it be necessary to do so .
16 Awareness may come easily when you are experiencing the wonder of growing a plant from seed — it is a little less in the forefront of your mind when you are standing at the kitchen sink doing the washing up .
17 The risks of a court case also have to be in the forefront of your mind .
18 As a young policewoman interviewed as part of a recent study on Merseyside 's police said , ‘ It 's always at the back of your mind , you just ca n't get rid of it .
19 and of your mind . )
20 ‘ You will have to put me out of your mind , ’ she said quietly .
21 This tangible negative force then activates the left side of your brain and projects onto the inner screen of your mind the failures mentioned earlier .
22 If you give in to the fears which are projected onto the inner screen of your mind , you make your intentions to overcome them impossible and you will be weighed down by your past failures , finding you lack the courage to confront the problem or the person who in the past has won over you .
23 Firstly , as you perceive your old fears welling up within you , as you try to tackle the same old problem and are paralysed by the thought of failure , look at the screen of your mind .
24 If at any stage you wish to go beyond your daily existence and to ask for the knowledge of how you can reach your higher self , then your guide will teach you about the workings of your mind , your intellect and how to rise from your lower mental being into that of perfection .
26 ‘ Please , please , clear it out of your mind . ’
27 The Full Moon in your own sign on the 10th urges you to give others a piece of your mind .
28 It is , however , something to keep in the back of your mind on a shoot , and if you intend to carry out a post-production edit , pace can be a major factor in determining how you organise the assembly of your shots .
29 This is what you must do : freeze your emotions by concentrating on putting your opponent on to the computer screen of your mind .
30 In the back of your mind you know it is the Italian temperament against the English temperament , and you just know something is going to happen .
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