Example sentences of "of april [det] " in BNC.

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1 On the twenty-third of April each year , we held a dinner , at which , in honour of the patron saint , over-indulgence was not simply customary but mandatory .
2 At the beginning of April that year , Wolfgang heard that his father was dangerously ill .
3 The report found that by the end of April this year , ADAS had not agreed a corporate plan with the Ministry of Agriculture covering both the service 's commercial and public good work .
4 This week the Action Team are going to be getting to grips with the Council Tax which came into effect from the 1st of April this year and affects us all .
5 And within the Home Office and the prison service , which was scheduled to become an agency on the first of April this year , an appropriate date perhaps , Mr Chairman , but we are still in the quagmire of getting arrangements which are suitable and protecting our people , and more so the craftsmen within that particular industry .
6 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
7 There there was a very substantial increase in ninet ninety ninety-one , and I 'm happy to say that , all but two of those projects have been fully funded by sponsors , and in fact , our policy now , and this is operated from the the first of April this year , is that all projects shall be fully funded by sponsors , and that includes a contribution to the overheads that erm , the projects incur .
8 As from the first of April this year , the British Transport Police will only be able to arrest offenders on British Rail property , but most of the property of British Rail will as from April be owned by Rail Track .
9 The result is to make more plausible Mancini 's claim that from the seizure of the prince at the end of April some men were suspicious of Gloucester 's ultimate intentions .
10 The result is to make more plausible Mancini 's claim that from the seizure of the prince at the end of April some men were suspicious of Gloucester 's ultimate intentions .
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