Example sentences of "of concern over " in BNC.

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1 And yet the various integrationist movements , brash or hesitant , in the 1940s looked to Britain for leadership , and clung to the hope that Britain would be absorbed , not least because of concerns over security .
2 It is probably fair to say that communication has sometimes been more effective at very local level where local sharing of concerns over mutual clients has been possible where inter-agency relationships are good .
3 Mr Robert Mayor was n't too sure how he would vote in a council election , because of concern over reports of overspending by the hung Wirral authority and the effect on the poll tax .
4 Mrs Bottomley 's first big test as Health Secretary will come this summer with the annual public spending round , which will be conducted against a background of concern over high Government borrowing and pressure from the Tory Right for public spending cuts .
5 Discussions of local government reorganisation in Wales were not conducted in an atmosphere of concern over population growth — quite the contrary .
6 After more than a decade of concern over different aspects of the bail process , steps were taken to reduce the number of defendants remanded in custody by introducing a statutory presumption in favour of bail ( section 4 of the Act ) , and by seeking to structure the decision-making process so that magistrates would give effect to it .
7 The importance of language to education was undeniable ; yet it did not prove possible for development to take place within conventional faculties or schools of education ( in 1975 , for example , departments within the University of London Institute of Education were unable to agree about establishing a language centre because of concern over who should be seen as central ) .
8 There 's a certain irony here in the fact that the world leader in free market philosophy should be the one to try and bring some regulation into this area , because that 's the problem here , almost complete deregulation the use of convenient ships , low skilled , low paid er exploited often Third World workers , used and abused by ship owners the world over to increase their profit margins , with a subsequent lack of concern over both the environment and people 's lives .
9 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Sept. 8 noted that the Chinese response to US representations over missile sales showed a lack of concern over Sino-US strategic relations .
10 We studied 116 patients referred to the pigmented lesion clinic at the Western Infirmary , Glasgow , because of concern over an atypical naevus pattern .
11 As a corollary of this emphasis on managerial control , installation of this microelectronics technology reveals a lack of concern over the liberties and rights of building occupants which is similar to that displayed by Bentham in the design of his Panopticon .
12 There 's been a lot of concern over the past few months of the rate of increase in unemployment within the Harrogate District and how as a percentage unemployment has increased in the Harrogate District rather than other districts .
13 He has dropped plans to nominate a Washington lawyer , Charles Ruff , for the No2 post in the justice department because of concern over his failure to pay tax for his housekeeper .
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