Example sentences of "of period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At sites where a number of periods of occupation overlie one another , the archaeologist has to identify and record very large numbers of what are referred to as contexts — divisions of the excavated material that can be distinguished in some way from their neighbours .
2 Their labour histories consist of periods of work interspersed with times of unemployment , underemployment or black-economy jobs .
3 In another context Allen and Massey ( 1988 , p. 2 ) develop the notion of periods of structural change to describe this process , and one of the central questions around which this chapter is organized is whether the UK state has recently passed through ( or is still passing through ) such a period .
4 With regard to the gradual exploration of historical time , reading not only helps to develop the concept of periods of time and of progression ( if not progress ) , but it also ( through the historical novel ) enables the reader to ‘ feel what it was like ’ .
5 Taking these factors into account , we believe that the correlation of periods of humid climate with the ages of preserved geo-thermal silica deposits in the northern Kenya rift valley is significant .
6 A number of short-lived clandestine presses were set up within Russia , and at the same time radical publicists took full advantage of periods of lighter censorship .
7 Each period of observation or each sequence of periods of observation , possibly on different days ( or over a longer period ) will provide a longitudinal ‘ case ’ study of six pupils ' affective responses to computer-assisted learning and non-computer-assisted learning .
8 How do they relate to the UK 's experience of periods of structural change ?
9 The eastern part of the spit , which is not shown on Fig. 8.23 , is a long simple shingle bank , but the western part is more complex and gives evidence of periods of westward extension alternating with periods when lateral formation was predominant .
10 Length will depend on two factors , sentence length and the existence of periods of contrast .
11 A limited number of periods of contrast will make for brevity ; adequate periods can lead to long themes .
12 In the Neolithic period , totalitarian states emerged as a result of the reappearance of profound inequalities made possible by the acquisition of agricultural surpluses , whereas in the modern epoch most of the comparable states emerged out of periods of revolution and upheaval constituted mainly by a struggle for equality — a fact that has had the odd consequence of leaving all modern police states with official ideologies strongly committed to a non-existent freedom and egalitarianism for their citizens .
13 The general pattern of activity consisted of periods of quiescence alternating with periods of activity .
14 The normal colonic motility patterns described by Narducci et al consist of periods of motor quiescence irregularly alternating with periods of activity .
15 The question as to whether the original tenant is prepared to join a guarantor or guarantors to the lease , particularly having regard to the frequency of periods of recession , is something which must be carefully considered .
16 The analysis itself will consist of a series of geographically and chronologically delimited case-studies , designed to cover a variety of periods between 1250 and 1500 and geographical areas .
17 where n is the number of periods under consideration ( anywhere between 1 and infinity ) , C is the cash flow , t is an individual observation , and r is the required rate of return for the security under analysis .
18 The child then becomes relatively independent of his mother and enters a sequence of periods in which his identity is established by the role that custom decrees for his age-group .
19 Indeed at secondary level the timetable of the week seems to blind one to considerations of the length of a course : the number of periods in a week or six days is debated , rather than the length of a period or the number of hours in a course .
20 Historians recognize a number of periods in labour history in which the urge among particular types of employees to organize has become compelling .
21 The key distinction is that between the case in which there is a known , finite number of periods in which firms will choose prices or outputs , and those in which either the number of periods , though finite , is not known with certainty , or the time horizon can be regarded as infinite .
22 In the tropics and subtropics this varies depending on the duration and number of periods in the year when rainfall and temperature permit high pasture levels of H. contortus larvae to develop .
23 Extension of period of insurance is automatic without extra charge if necessitated by delay of Public Transport services .
24 Other Charges Extension of enrolment fee for students on completion of period of registration £133
25 Ending of Period of Communist Rebellion — Reform developments — Relations with China
26 In the case of registered land , this involves a search at HM Land Registry against the title number to the land and in the case of unregistered land , a search against the vendor and previous estate owners for the length of period of each estate owner 's ownership .
27 The definition of price volatility employed in any particular study depends on the frequency of the available observations ( transactions data , closing prices , and so on ) and the length of period for which the volatilities are to be computed , for example , days or months .
28 What is more important is the length of period in education .
29 Unless people are insured for that sort of period in time any way .
30 Player ( A ) lives forever and maximizes the discounted sum of period by period payoffs .
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