Example sentences of "of [indef pn] coming " in BNC.

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1 So get pictures taken of everyone coming in .
2 He walked with self-conscious haste up the south side of the street towards Temple Bar , staring into the face of everyone coming the opposite way , challenging them to give any sign of their pity and contempt .
3 In the bedroom Caterina and Rosalba shared in the apartment in Rupe , smaller than their room in the farmhouse , Rosa questioned her sister , whispering , the night after Tommaso had made her a gift of the bird in the street in sight of everyone coming out of Mass .
4 Certainly , in the group discussions ( Appendix II , section 3 ) , we found that people used this type of credit because of the ‘ service of someone coming to the house to collect ’ even when they were aware of the high cost involved .
5 She was just preparing her evening meal when she was aware of someone coming aboard .
6 Suddenly the sound of a door , of someone coming in from outside , brought Leith tumbling , falling back down to earth .
7 Charity listened , straining her ears for the sound of someone coming .
8 Then suddenly she heard the sound of someone coming , and she put aside her sadness of heart , to realise that Lubor , perhaps on the lookout for her , must have spotted her from a window somewhere .
9 Is there a possibility of someone coming and filling the machine tomorrow afternoon ?
10 I heard the sound of somebody coming .
11 They said there 's a possibility of one coming erm April in Kidderminster if you 're interested and I said well I would be interested
12 We put it in the grammatically imperative mood in order to show up starkly its difference from factual statements , but also to leave room to interpret it according to circumstances as the strong ‘ One ought to be aware of this ’ , or as ‘ It is a good thing to be aware of this ’ , or in diminishing degrees , as the prospect of something coming within one 's range of choice becomes remote , ‘ Other things being equal , it is better to be aware of it than not ’ .
13 for not only was the Earl Patrick suspicious of anyone coming from the regency , but he happened at this juncture to be consoling himself with a local lady , in the absence of marital comforts .
14 All we ask of anyone coming to live in a civilized city is that they accept the code of behaviour of civilized , decent people ’ etcetera , etcetera …
15 The chance of anyone coming this early is remote , but when one car does rumble by at the end of the road , we both slip into his doorway and stand silent and still .
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