Example sentences of "for eastern [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In comparison , the index for eastern Germany — including price-controlled goods — was below the level for 1989 for the final quarter of 1990 at 98.5 , but reached 107.0 for the first quarter of 1991 ( 1989=100 ) .
2 In those days there was a small core of paid research staff who were responsible for a large number of countries — if you did the Soviet Union , you were also responsible for Eastern Europe and half of Western Europe as well ! ’
3 A MUTUAL investment fund for Eastern Europe is being launched today with the backing of Continental Grain , the private American company which is one of the world 's biggest grain suppliers .
4 ‘ The future for Eastern Europe , ’ he said , ‘ is not in last year 's Western cars . ’
5 ‘ We can do nothing for Eastern Europe if we fail among ourselves in a few days ’ time to agree on economic and monetary union , social and environmental policies so that we can complete the European single market on time . ’
6 The Romanian ambassador in London , Mr Stan Soare , was summoned to the Foreign Office where Mr William Waldegrave , the Junior Minister responsible for Eastern Europe , said ‘ the right thing ’ for Romanian state employees , including those working for the security services , to do was to represent ‘ the true will of the Romanian people ’ and overthrow the Ceausescu Government .
7 It was no wonder that some politicians promoted the idea of a ‘ Marshall Plan ’ for Eastern Europe .
8 In fact , the World Bank believes that aid to black Africa ( now running at about £10 billion a year , the same figure as that which caused Community jaws to drop when suggested by Jacques Delors for Eastern Europe ) needs to increase by nearly 50 per cent by the end of the century .
9 ‘ The very substantial funds which we are making available for Eastern Europe … are separate from and additional to our regular aid programme . ’
10 Mr Lawrence Eagleburger , the deputy secretary of state who has been given the job of co-ordinating America 's help for Eastern Europe , was told by Congress that the money the administration has in mind is too modest , but that its ideas about who should control the distribution of this money are immodest .
11 Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee got an early taste of this when they asked Mr Eagleburger how the administration proposed dividing up that $300m for Eastern Europe : his answer , again and again , was ‘ I do n't know ’ .
12 Mr Bush 's insouciance in snapping $870m for Panama and Nicaragua from the 1990 defence budget suggests that extra foreign aid for Eastern Europe could , without too much difficulty , be trimmed from the 1991 defence budget .
13 Nobody reading Mr Frankland 's book is likely to think there are magical solutions for Eastern Europe after communism .
14 He is willing to co-operate with other international institutions , such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund , but insists the EBRD retains its exclusive brief for eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union .
15 For eastern Europe , 1922 was a traumatic year — money prices were multiplying rapidly ; in Austria by 14,000 times ; in Hungary by 23,000 times ; in Poland by 2 million times ; in Russia by 400 million times and in Germany , by one thousand million times .
16 ‘ Our directive is to support multinational companies moving into Eastern Europe , ’ says Andrew Gibson , BT 's director for Eastern Europe , whose group welcomes enquiries from accountancy firms thinking of setting up there , or whose clients intend to do so .
17 Aid for Eastern Europe
18 The predicament for Eastern Europe as well as the Soviet Union is that this intra-bloc cohesiveness tends to be purchased at the price of internal stability .
19 So much for Eastern Europe 's interests , but what of Soviet interests ?
20 Better access for Eastern Europe 's farm exports therefore ought to be manageable , even if losers went uncompensated .
21 The decline in parliamentary support for Eastern Europe 's economic reforms does not mean that those reforms are failing
22 Version 2 , due in the second quarter , provides additional locales and Postscript Type 1 fonts including Cyrillic and Greek for Eastern Europe .
23 My hon. Friend points to the fact that there is scope for significantly increased expenditure , perhaps for eastern Europe and the cohesion fund , as he says , but without the existing own resources ceiling , which is still underspent .
24 This included $300 million for a proposed new special assistance initiative for Eastern Europe to " support democracy and economic restructuring " , and a new $441-million anti-drug package for Latin America .
25 Representatives of the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) industrialized countries , which co-ordinated aid for eastern Europe and former Soviet Asia , met in the Albanian capital , Tirana , on July 22 in order to discuss with the Albanian authorities and international financial institutions how aid to Albania might be accelerated .
26 No date for the target to be met has yet been set , although several nations called for a deadline of 2000 for western Europe and 2005 for eastern Europe .
27 Western governments and lending institutions launched a new environmental action programme for Eastern Europe in April , but so far only US$30 million has been pledged .
28 Because the difference between us and the Tories is when we mean we support for Eastern Europe , we do n't just talk about it glibly , we go there and we do it because we see the future of Europe being the future of our own people here in .
29 Convoy Aid Romania was due to leave Middlesbrough for Eastern Europe early today taking £10,000 worth of powdered milk to feed starving orphans .
30 Six new power stations planned for eastern London will result in poorer air quality in parts of the capital , according to consultants ' reports .
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