Example sentences of "for teach [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has attempted to compile machine-readable data either for teaching or research purposes will agree that such an undertaking impinges so greatly on our time and resources as to minimize our interest in providing support for other scholars who might become interested in our data .
2 In the universities , where in the sixties rioting students and the educated tele-celebrities of the ‘ chattering classes ’ had commanded public attention , there were now dormant , apolitical students anxious only for their future employment , and embittered lecturers suffering a crisis of morale and lamenting the bureaucratic invasion of time traditionally left for teaching and research .
3 And , reflecting the now-familiar language of the GCSE criteria , he asked the committee to look at the extent to which A levels test knowledge , understanding , and skills , and the implications of the assessment procedures for teaching and learning .
4 The state should not only ensure the conditions for teaching and learning but should also be supporting the community .
5 The cube leads to more mathematics and uses more problem-solving techniques than any other recreational problem , and so is an excellent problem for teaching and learning .
6 Teams in Mathematics and English were concerned with finding out what knowledge and what concepts children and teachers have and can master at different levels and of assessing the strengths and limitations of the environment and the cultural traditions within that environment for teaching and materials production in these two areas .
7 the provision of equipment for teaching and research ;
8 However , the seminars are for teaching and there is no aim to make a profit — not many events in the Uk are like that .
9 An environment in which the nursing student is supernumerary , with improved facilities for teaching and for sharing my teaching role with other colleagues .
10 Assume responsibility for teaching and supervising all ( nursing ) team members . ’
11 Even if the ethos does permit them to check out how they are doing , it remains unlikely that it will encourage anything more than a superficial sharing of doubts about what they are doing : about the disparity between their hopes for teaching and the effects , or lack of them , that they and their colleagues seem to be achieving .
12 The myth that certain teachers have ‘ special ’ or extraordinary ‘ expertise ’ needs to be dispelled and replaced with the realisation that the skills needed to meet individual needs are those associated with effective techniques for teaching and learning .
13 In general hospital settings , there is often a period of staff overlap in the early afternoon , which is ideal for teaching and learning .
14 Mrs Fellows was referred to the physiotherapist for teaching and practice of leg exercises before the operation .
15 In the above paragraphs a distinction was made between assessment for teaching and learning purposes and assessment for purposes external to the classroom .
16 The recognition that children have their own ideas about phenomena , and that they may be very different from their teacher 's ideas , has important implications for teaching and learning .
17 Although this 20 per cent is intended for teaching and research , much of it is used to make up deficits in general health-care budgets .
18 Consultants and senior registrars are not rewarded for teaching and seldom have been trained in educational methods .
19 The Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris provided a model for teaching and research that was the envy of the civilized world .
20 J.M. Sinclair put forward at Coloma College ( and elsewhere in print ) an analogy between preparation for teaching and for a range of medical and para medical employment .
21 Colleges and interpreting units generously provided the opportunity for teaching and interpreting practice .
22 Teachers had to take as self-evident what in fact needed to be closely questioned — namely , assumptions about how children learn and claims about the causal connection between such learning and particular strategies for teaching and classroom organization .
23 With entire responsibility for teaching and discipline , Hill had little time for original work ; but his edition ( 1816 ) of Artis Logicae Compendium by Henry Aldrich [ q.v. ] proved an acceptable university textbook , reaching a sixth edition in 1850 .
24 As in all sections of higher education , resources are severely constrained and the question of ’ balance between support for teaching and non-teaching departments has to be answered .
25 She had a natural gift for teaching and was rated " an excellent member of staff , capable and enthusiastic , " with boundless energy and very much in command in any situation .
26 The committee was established to recommend action to secure the orderly atmosphere necessary in schools for teaching and learning .
27 The project will also acquire an archive of data sets suitable for teaching and demonstration .
28 ‘ Economics ’ as a subject for teaching and for research in University Institutions , became established in Britain at the end of the nineteenth century .
29 It is responsible for teaching and research in the traditional areas of private law , persons ( including family law ) , property ( including succession and trusts ) and obligations ( including contract , delict and unjustified enrichment ) .
30 Veterinary graduates are required for teaching and research in universities and for posts in research institutes , government services and industry .
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