Example sentences of "for reason which " in BNC.

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1 Both men made for the Mediterranean eventually , for reasons which may have involved a respite from British miseries and injustice .
2 As we know , this agreeable stasis did not continue ; the synthesis started to come apart for reasons which I have tried to explain .
3 For reasons which are much more pragmatic than ideological , I have come to think that a separation of Cultural Studies from English , though not easy , would be the least damaging way forward for both parties .
4 For reasons which never seem quite convincing , given the tediousness of the material and the fact that the three do not even believe in it , this becomes an obsessive hobby over a period of years .
5 As my own thank-offering I would like to try briefly to express some thoughts on education by which I have long been troubled and to which no place , for reasons which I will show , could be more appropriate than this .
6 The rebellion of the American colonies in the eighteenth century confronted the British with an axiom which , for reasons which are capable of being understood , they found so unpleasant that more than two centuries later they have still not ceased attempting to wish it out of existence .
7 It has , however , been contained by an environment in which President Nyerere 's political leadership promoted a strong national ideology , and in which , for reasons which lie in Tanzania 's nineteenth-century history ( including both the replacement of traditional authority by trader barons and the unity achieved among some peoples in resisting German colonialism ) localism has been much less strong than among many African peoples .
8 The same can probably be claimed for those who for reasons which had little to do with humanitarian concern — fearing Jewish revenge in the event of a lost war , or blaming Hitler for bringing on the war through attacking the Jews , attitudes which of course themselves betrayed the influence of Nazi ‘ Jewish conspiracy ’ propaganda — were voicing criticism of Nazi anti Jewish policy .
9 But the first parliament of Mary 's regency anticipated this , for reasons which were purely political rather than moral , when it utterly banned ‘ Robert Hood nor Little John Abbot of Unreason ( and ) Queens of May ’ in both town and countryside .
10 They were ready to move on the appointed day and , at the end of the summer , they would begin the trek back to the village on their own , as soon as they smelt the smoke of the bonfires in which the thatch and the bedding from the shielings were destroyed , for reasons which today we might classify as ‘ environmental health ’ , but which , to the young folk of the shieling , was almost a ritual .
11 Some 30 named attendees heard a long and detailed speech from the Mayor in which he hinted that ‘ for reasons which he need not go into they must give up all idea of the links becoming the property of the town ’ .
12 Do these comments entail a total rejection of any doctrine of raison d'état , of the view that governments sometimes may , indeed should , act for reasons which are out of bounds to individuals ?
13 Indeed , it may vary for reasons which are in part a matter for individual decision and temperament .
14 For reasons which are fairly obvious this procedure of bargaining may in some societies lead to the endorsement of highly wicked principles as that society 's doctrine of justice .
15 She was mated to Ajax and produced two litters , the first one , in 1938 , contained five dogs , four of which apparently went to India and Pakistan , for reasons which seem to be obscure .
16 Section 2 , ( a ) and ( b ) , of the Statute is not relied on here , for reasons which will be obvious later .
17 Consultation takes time : policy-writing by a few is more speedy , but also less effective in the long term for reasons which are suggested later .
18 For reasons which are not yet clear — presumably the pre-marketing clinical studies were considered inadequate — Dista was collaborating in a series of research projects to discover how the bodies of elderly patients cope with Opren .
19 for reasons which will become clear in due course , I prefer not to specify which one .
20 The interviewer is trying to find out if you left your last job for reasons which could pose similar problems if you came to work with his/her firm .
21 For reasons which are too complicated to bother with , I had left Scotland , where I was for Christmas , on December 30th to go to the Isle of Wight and spend that most braw , bricht , moonlicht and Caledonian of celebrations , Hogmanay in the Deep South .
22 At worst we can now doubt for reasons which are purely moral , spiritual or psychological , as in the case of someone who is incurably suspicious , a problem which has nothing at all to do with epistemology .
23 Partly I bad believed for reasons which were extraneous , and I had used the emotional commitment I had found in this to cover for a lack of genuine commitment .
24 Though they were as a rule sparing in the use of force , this was for reasons which seem not to have included sympathy with civil disobedience .
25 Certain territories , it is true , were disposed of right away , but for reasons which carried no implications for the further demission of power .
26 However , for reasons which will appear later , we have replaced the σ 3 -row with the implicit x 3 -row ( making the σ 3 -row implicit ) .
27 For reasons which will become clear subsequently we will refer to P1 as problem 0 .
28 For reasons which need not concern us here , they have become almost solely used on the tail rotor servo of model helicopters to assist in controlling the tail and are known as tail rotor gyros or just ‘ gyros ’ .
29 For reasons which baffle me , the referee thought that it was Gimbert who was pulling down the scrum .
30 He began by saying that seven years earlier Meehan had been found guilty by a jury ‘ on evidence which was amply justified ’ , and then went on : ‘ Some public support was whipped up over the years for reasons which were not entirely clear and for motives which might be imagined . ’
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