Example sentences of "for [pron] to speak " in BNC.

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1 It became extraordinarily difficult for them to speak with one voice on critical issues .
2 The wash of a passing collier rocked both boats and the enormous reverberation of her wailing hooter filled the air and made it impossible for them to speak .
3 ‘ It would hardly be proper for them to speak to such women .
4 There is no need for me to speak to Celia , ’ and I rang off .
5 You are curious , you are looking for something else , because this is the second time that you have invited me to have a drink , you order cheiro as though you were one of us , you are a foreigner and pretend to speak like us , yet you drink little and then you stay silent and wait for me to speak .
6 Not that there was any need for me to speak .
7 No ; now it is for me to speak and you to listen . ’
8 He just settles himself into the cushion of the rear seat and waits for me to speak .
9 He says , ‘ Fuck knows , ’ and waits for me to speak .
10 ‘ I 'm waiting for you to speak , young woman . ’
11 Excuse me please , is it possible for you to speak a bit louder .
12 He rang the bell and when he was greeted by a rather surly butler he enquired , very politely , if it might be possible for him to speak with the Signora Calvino on a matter of the utmost urgency .
13 She did not say anything , waiting for him to speak .
14 Therefore , even if he did not have a stammer , there would not be enough breath in his lungs for him to speak his words property .
15 Here he drank pastis with the mayors of the Basses-Alpes , and even found time to lecture on Edgar Allan Poe , although his new false teeth made it difficult for him to speak French .
16 It would be impossible for him to speak of their past , or of her , without seeming vulgarly proprietary ; or of Jim , without seeming barbed ; or of Sam ; or even of work .
17 The palace was surrounded by a crowd who were shouting for him to speak .
18 It was such an effort for him to speak that he almost closed his eyes .
19 I waited for him to speak .
20 ( The players looked to the secretary , waiting for him to speak .
21 We all stood there waiting for him to speak .
22 Reluctantly she lowered her window and waited for him to speak .
23 Replacing the receiver , and without waiting for him to speak , she said hastily , ‘ A bad whelping case — I 'll have to go . ’
24 And so saying , she pushed the jug of lemonade towards Elisabeth and waited for her to speak .
25 They waited warily for her to speak .
26 They stood side by side , glaring , waiting impatiently for her to speak .
27 A small boy appeared from the table behind the counter , he smiled at her politely and waited for her to speak .
28 He looked up from the document he was reading and his eyes lingered on her body before he sat back and raised his eyebrows quizzically , waiting for her to speak .
29 I waited for her to speak of peas , but she had no need .
30 Dumbly she shook her head , the threatened tears making it impossible for her to speak .
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