Example sentences of "for [pron] eyes " in BNC.

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1 I got the duty doctor to give her a blood test , for my eyes only .
2 ‘ Even if they are n't for my eyes , ’ he had added with a twinkle .
3 I 'd taken a box of medication I was on at the time — drops I needed for my eyes , my asthma inhalant and things like that .
4 The dress was white and covered me all over except for my eyes .
5 And afterwards , Jay started her own diary , for her eyes only .
6 A poem for her eyes only , a poem she liked .
7 Her letters , like his own comment in 1913 on his letters to her , suggest that at eighteen he had begun for her eyes alone the long process of self-discovery with assured confidence of her support .
8 It took seconds for her eyes to adjust to the darkness .
9 Gedanken had to wait a minute for her eyes to get used to the inky black darkness again .
10 She was not asleep for her eyes were staring contentedly about her .
11 She lay on a bed on the verandah by her daughter 's door , asleep but for her eyes , which were open .
12 Lucenzo 's hands curved into her waist , holding her firmly against him , the masculine sensuality of his mouth a terrible focus for her eyes .
13 She only took her sunglasses off when she was inside the dark little shop but even then it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust .
14 With no use for its eyes , it has lost its sight and yet it manages to locate shelter , a mate , and even food .
15 And yes , I did make gingerbread men with currants for their eyes , did n't you ? ’
16 They climbed one wall to get away from the car and waited for their eyes and ears to tune themselves to the darkness .
17 For four hundred years it was owned by a succession of wealthy aristocrats … the valley , woodland and lakes seen as private possessions for their eyes only .
18 It took seconds for his eyes to adjust to the gloom .
19 The oldest and most worn-out woodcut , representing King Pippin , Two Shoes , or the grim Soldan , sitting with three staring blots for his eyes and mouth , his sceptre in one hand , and his five fingers raised and spread in admiration at the feats of the Gallant London Apprentice , can not excite in me a feeling of ingratitude .
20 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness , and he remained still , blinking hard , making out the man standing directly in front of him holding the shotgun , while on the stairs to his left another person — a woman ? — was also holding what looked like a small pistol on him .
21 Suckled on shadows ; weaned , as it were , on webs of ritual : for his ears , echoes , for his eyes , a labyrinth of stone : and yet within his body something other — other than this umbrageous legacy .
22 Some of it explicit , the rest hidden teasingly away — cyphers within cyphers — as if for his eyes alone .
23 Externally , Bissell appeared normal , with little sign of metamorphosis — except for his eyes .
24 ‘ If you 're rich — not like us — you shake in some rubies for his lips , some sapphires for his eyes — or topazes , if you like them yellowy — ’ Caterina shifted , resisting ‘ — some diamonds for his fingernails and so forth , all the treasures you like , to make him beautiful as the sky , as the sea , as the earth , and then you murmur the secret formula … . ’
25 Except for his eyes , of course .
26 Afraid for his eyes , Gabriel froze , like a hare picked up by its ears .
27 Craved for his eyes in its solitude .
28 He closed his eyes wearily , but his eyelids acted only as shutters for his eyes , not his mind .
29 Er for me eyes .
30 For your eyes only
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