Example sentences of "was standing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of Dr. Arthur 's trial , a Mrs. Carr , who had been born without arms , was standing as an independent pro-life candidate in a forthcoming by-election .
2 Ten minutes later , he was standing as a customer in another shop , the kind of shop that he 'd only previously ever visited in a raid .
3 He came to the door , said he was standing as a candidate , but did n't say he was from the BNP .
4 Anderson , half turned from her , was standing across the way .
5 When the ringing subsided , Biff Thacker was standing over her , with Rose at his side , clutching a bobbin , and the machine was still clattering backwards and forwards .
6 But I just lay there , rigid , as if some wizard was standing over me with his arm raised holding a black wand and declaiming , Robina Marquis you are turned to marble .
7 Or he was wounded and weak ; he had fallen ; Sam was standing over him .
8 He was standing over me as he said this , in his characteristic lecturing pose , the edge of a desk slotted firmly into his lack of backside .
9 Then Teng was standing over her , his breathing heavy and irregular , a strange excitement in his face .
10 Wendell Harvey was slumped in one of the armchairs and the doctor was standing over him .
11 He was standing over the reeking individual now , peering close to get a look at the face .
12 It was the sight of the huge animal that was standing over Sir Hugo .
13 A moment later the wizard was standing over him , shouting , ‘ Tell it that if it singes me I 'll let the sword go !
14 She looked up and saw that he was standing over her .
15 The stench grew worse , making her gag , but it was not until Isabel was standing over the motionless form that she realised why .
16 Guido was standing over her now in that dominating way he had , making her sit up even straighter and stretch her neck even more .
17 He was standing over her .
18 He came to a stop when he was standing over her .
19 I was writing all the stuff , all this weirdo stuff , and he was standing over me looking at me , looking at what I was writing .
20 His penis was standing through the cotton slit , throbbing .
21 But she was standing between them , a small , slim , erect figure with an air of quiet attention , apparently unharmed and unalarmed .
22 He was standing between Delia Sutherland and the others , facing her .
23 He was standing between the curtains and the windows of the ballroom of the Steam Packet Hotel , on the railway pier at Gallanach .
24 Amaranth was sobbing wildly , Barton was fiddling with his dictaphone , and Mrs de Crespigny was standing between them , her hands on her hips and her legs placed firmly apart .
25 And love was standing outside the local supermarket collecting signatures for the campaign to keep Family Allowance as a separate benefit .
26 She 'd come out of the house and was standing outside the door .
27 I was standing outside laughing , and they took a picture of me standing there laughing .
28 The left side is a highly sophisticated computer which , under deep hypnosis , would give you the data registered five years ago recording the number , make and colour of the car which was standing outside your home at the time .
29 Now she was standing outside my school in a black floppy hat and long green coat , waiting for another boy .
30 If a would-be burglar was standing outside your front or rear door , how many neighbours could see him ?
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