Example sentences of "was [v-ing] nothing " in BNC.

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1 She opened her mouth to suggest that perhaps she could give him dinner at her hotel — and thereby eliminate any possibility of him putting his arm around her in his car — then found that she was suggesting nothing of the sort , but was asking , ‘ Did Mr Gajdusek ask you to invite me out ? ’ and was at once appalled that , Ven all too clearly not far away in her head , she had asked such a thing !
2 Under the slogan ‘ Agitate , Educate , Confederate , ’ Cipriani was in effect , giving voice to a nascent nationalist movement in the West Indies , for he was advocating nothing less than the most rapid possible advancement of West Indians towards self- government .
3 I was going nothing , I 'm just being sad .
4 Felicity was wearing nothing but the great swirl of hair and the flower in it .
5 He had on the long white cloak which signified to the audience that he was wearing nothing at all .
6 Laura gave a low moan as she struggled to sit up , one half of her still almost unconscious mind noticing that Ross must have recently had a shower , since his black hair was still damp and he was wearing nothing but a short white towel about his waist .
7 So I relaxed as far as I could , and short of thumping my chest like Tarzan , hoped I was emanating nothing but lovely rude health .
8 They drove towards Ashdown Forest , and even before they had found a suitable place to stop , Charlotte had begun to recount the events of the past week in such detail that it was obvious she was holding nothing back .
9 This , too , is unlikely , for Mr Morita has long been a noisy critic of America and was saying nothing new .
10 It was odd , but Greg noticed Bill Clough 's eyes following them sharply : he was saying nothing to the purpose so there was no reason why he should n't watch them , but Greg , following his lead , did wonder whether Hilary 's mutterings were not of a rather different kind from Desmond 's .
11 Not out of Steve , anyway , who was saying nothing much , only affirming that he had bashed Charley to save his mother ; he had ‘ guessed ’ where she was .
12 Cherry Vanilla was doing nothing — she was eating fruit and breaking out all the time as a result , Jane was doing nothing too — she 'd started a group called Queen Elizabeth which played little , low-life funky bars on the Lower Eastside , Tony Zanetta was working coding , which is a very ignominious job that out-of-work actors do in New York , and I was working at 16 Magazine as a tea boy .
13 Cherry Vanilla was doing nothing — she was eating fruit and breaking out all the time as a result , Jane was doing nothing too — she 'd started a group called Queen Elizabeth which played little , low-life funky bars on the Lower Eastside , Tony Zanetta was working coding , which is a very ignominious job that out-of-work actors do in New York , and I was working at 16 Magazine as a tea boy .
14 For once in his life he was doing nothing wrong .
15 Dina Castro , Advocate General of the Poor , also recognized that the situation of single mothers was " critical " , although her government department was doing nothing to assist them .
16 He was doing nothing yet appeared purposeful .
17 He was doing nothing more dreadful than lingering , making light-hearted conversation and monopolizing Linda 's attention .
18 ‘ Well , it went , ’ Alyssia said abruptly , and brought the subject to a speedy conclusion , realising that unburdening herself was doing nothing to ease her misery after all .
19 ‘ I was doing nothing of the sort !
20 Rebecca was accusing her of starting the fire , and he was doing nothing to dispute the idea .
21 That p Oh I was doing nothing there only tidying up round there .
22 She longed for some proper clothes too — having to wear one of his large baggy T-shirts was doing nothing for her self-image .
23 The SE was doing nothing but loops .
24 She 'd also left the heating on for him , which was doing nothing except heating the window-sill for the pigeons and running up my bills .
25 ‘ I was doing nothing of the kind , ’ she denied crossly , turning to face him .
26 But he was doing nothing to strengthen it now , and was that because of Maria Luisa ?
27 This lotus-eating life was doing nothing for her .
28 ‘ She was doing nothing at all to help this baby in such distress .
29 AWB ‘ General ’ Johan ‘ Hagar ’ Thompson said white people were getting shot and the government was doing nothing .
30 I know Mr used to go up there cos he was still at school then and he used to go up there cos he was doing nothing but whether he he wants her to get a job , well he .
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