Example sentences of "was [prep] sale " in BNC.

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1 Stonehenge was for sale : The government could have it for £125000 ; failing that , Sir Edmund was open to offers , from a showman perhaps , or an advertising contractor ( ’ The Pear 's Soap Stone ’ ? ) , or an American who would ship it away to the United States .
2 If anyone were to ask whether the cottage was for sale or rent , Mother Francis was always ready with a helpless shrug of the shoulders to say that things had n't been fully sorted out yet , but that it was in Eve 's name and nothing could be done until she was twenty-one .
3 There was a little shop in my home town that I had liked very much , selling old bits and pieces , books and engravings ; all that was for sale was in a jumble , and the windows had not been cleaned in years .
4 Imagine , then , that Mandela had written down the story of his life , and that the manuscript was for sale .
5 Anne and Heywood Hill , of the bookshop in Curzon Street , lived at number 10 Warwick Avenue and told them that the lease next door was for sale .
6 When I , when I came here I saw a shop in which was for sale .
7 Brownstones cosied up to slums , police cars were armoured , and everything was for sale .
8 Pre-Christmas party gossip was buzzing with speculation that the company was for sale .
9 It was the end to a protracted period of trauma and uncertainty for the management and employees of the company , which had begun at the beginning of the year when the rumours that Gardner Merchant was for sale had begun to circulate .
10 If they become ascertained only after the contract was made , the contract at the time of its creation was for sale of unascertained goods .
11 Like the rest of the family , you assumed I was for sale .
12 to fit the stores where nothing was for sale
13 The bacon-curing business was for sale for £l00,000 so assuming that he could finance the remainder he engaged an accountant to check over the books of the existing business and report back to him .
14 However , it can lead to difficult questions in deciding when the goods delivered are so different in kind that their delivery amounts to a breach of fundamental term : for instance , in Geo Mitchell ( Chesterhall ) Ltd v Finney Lock Seeds Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 AC 803 the contract was for sale of " winter white cabbage seed " .
15 In January 1905 they approached their bitter rivals and asked if Common was for sale .
16 It was not until five years after the exhibition that one of John Bowes ' jewellery advisors informed the excited couple the Swan was for sale .
17 Where was that bungalow that you said was for sale then ?
18 well that was for sale , that part it belongs to the council
19 I was able to talk to the German customer and the people on the floor , who are excessively worried about the number of people coming in from the East , not only East Germany but they 're very , very worried about people coming in from Eastern Europe , and secondly there was so much East European food that was for sale in Germany at very low prices and there 's food that used to go to the Soviet Union .
20 AGRICULTURE ministry and Milk Marketing Board officials knew for weeks that milk contaminated with lead was on sale , Whitehall sources indicated yesterday .
21 The following song was broadcast on the radio and was on sale in the record shops , yet the wearing of miniskirts a few years later was denounced as improper and an example of western sexual decadence and permissiveness !
22 There was a disco where beer was on sale but thoughts of dancing the night away evaporated when we found other people were using it for sleeping .
23 Complete with propellers and Imperial Airways booklet , this appears to be a well-made model and , perhaps , originally was on sale as a souvenir at Croydon .
24 That autumn , in the New Left Review , Juliet Mitchell was writing her ‘ Women , the longest revolution ’ article , whose impact , eventually , on the new British feminism was to be enormous , but while the Marxist journal was on sale in Indica its message did n't penetrate It — or many other places — in those days .
25 Matey had gone out , not to return until late at night , leaving Dr Neil 's tea in the larder on a plate carefully positioned under a fine gauze hood to protect it from the ubiquitous flies ; he had said not to leave him supper , for he might visit the local evening market where prepared food of all kinds was on sale , from oysters to whelks ; he was partial to shellfish , he said .
26 If smack was on sale like cigarettes , he could survive forever .
27 The Taiwanese knife was on sale in Cheltenham .
28 Up until this afternoon , it was on sale at HMV , but within the last few hours , they 've stopped selling it too .
29 John Bowes immediately bought it for £200 — quite a bargain as it was on sale for £2,000 at the Paris Exhibition .
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