Example sentences of "is lower than " in BNC.

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1 The doctors tell us that elderly pilots and pilots who smoke should be aware that their tolerance to a shortage of oxygen is lower than younger people 's or that of non-smokers .
2 Calorie-wise , all fresh fruit is lower than both dried and tinned .
3 The ‘ misery line ’ as it is called-stations from Kennington to Morden dim and cheerless dungeons , trains cancelled with appalling regularity ( there 's a shortage of drivers on the Northern Line , because it is the last to embrace OPO-one person operation-and so the pay is lower than on other lines ) .
4 This compares with an average of 9% achieved in the 1980s , and is lower than reformist economists and provincial leaders had hoped .
5 His overall strike rate , in fact , is lower than any other major bowler , confirming his position as number one in the world rankings .
6 Adrian probably knows lots of boys whose standard of living is lower than his own .
7 The 1990–91 level of funding , a meagre £23 million , is lower than it was four years ago .
8 This is lower than the steady 3 points per move that both players can amass in a run of mutual cooperation ( and , by the way , this is the reason for the ‘ additional condition ’ left unexplained on page 204 ) .
9 Percentage loss of prey from tawny owl pellets was found to be greater in summer than in winter ( Lowe , 1980 ) , and this could relate both to the greater numbers of immature rodents taken as prey , the bones of which are less mineralized and therefore easier to digest ( Lowe , 1980 ) , and to the likelihood of the birds producing the pellets being themselves immature In the case of the great horned owl it has been found that the stomach pH in immature birds is lower than that of adults ( Grimm & Whitehouse , 1963 ) and there is therefore greater destruction of bone and loss of prey .
10 Men are still able to father children into their seventies , though their sperm count is lower than in their youth .
11 Faris is sure that it is lower than 300 picoseconds , although he does not have the equipment to prove his prediction that it is less than 50 picoseconds ( 10 -12 seconds ) .
12 Looking at his reflection a child sees that he has two eyes and one nose , that his mouth is lower than his nose , his ears are at each side of his head .
13 When Sharon stands on a chair , Tracey is lower than Sharon .
14 But in inner-city areas , car ownership is lower than would be expected on the basis of affluence , given both the very small average household size and the better availability of public transport .
15 The 600 's usual thinline profile ( body thickness of 1″ ) has been retained on the Atlantis , but the bridge is lower than is usual for a Rick and the pickups have been countersunk to accommodate a lower playing action across the body .
16 If , on the other hand , the market value is lower than the repurchase price and the terms are the same , then the buyer is likely to exercise the put option .
17 In particular , it is sometimes argued that , when the amount paid on exercise of warrants is lower than the fair value of the shares issued , there is an additional , implicit consideration that needs to be reflected in the financial statements .
18 But ICI 's real dividend per share in 1992 is lower than it was as far back as 1959 .
19 The yield is lower than on money market instruments ; they are safer .
20 On the other hand despite the increase in funding during the last forty years , the UK spending on health as a proportion of national income is lower than that in most West European countries and considerably lower than in the USA ( see Figure 7.1 ) .
21 A figure of more than 100 indicates that GDP per head in that region is higher than the UK average and , conversely , a figure lower than 100 indicates that the region 's GDP per head is lower than the national average .
22 The floor of my brick garage is lower than the surrounding area , and I had trouble because water kept leaking in and collecting along one side .
23 In other words , a child with an MLU which falls below the bottom of this range is relatively unusual in so far as her MLU is lower than about 85 per cent of ordinary children .
24 Conversely , if the UK limit is lower than the EC limit , the exporter of an item valued at or above the UK limit has to use the UK application form .
25 We may know , for example , that vines can not be grown in areas where the average annual temperature is lower than 52°F , and can thus infer that they could never have been grown in Edinburgh .
26 This is lower than the daily minimum temperature observed in the polar vortex in March for the years 1964–89 ( ref. 28 ) .
27 Although the spectral index at phase 0.7 , close to the maximum , is about -2.0 between 606MHz and 1,660MHz and typical of most pulsars , at 408MHz the flux density is actually less than that at 606MHz and is lower than the extrapolated spectrum by a factor of about 4 ( Table 1 ) , indicating that strong absorption or scattering is occurring even when the companion is on the far side of the pulsar .
28 The rules on incorrect scores are simple and Draconian : if you sign for a score which is lower than your actual score you are disqualified ; if you sign for a higher score than your actual , the higher score stands .
29 After absorption a drug will re-enter the gut by passive diffusion provided that the concentration there is lower than that in the blood .
30 Although firms are more dependent on external fundraising , the proportion of shareholders equity in total assets is lower than in other advanced capitalist economies .
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