Example sentences of "is nothing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The morpheme has no structure since there is nothing below it in grammar .
2 Mr Randall says : ‘ We will show the greater detail required by the Charities Act , but there is nothing under law to force us to .
3 Mr Randall says : ‘ We will show the greater detail required by the Charities Act , but there is nothing under law to force us to .
4 We have seen how ‘ the street ’ and ‘ the city ’ played important roles in middle-class demonology , so it is easy to understand why youth workers sought to provide counter-attractions to them , believing as they did that ‘ there is nothing worth doing to be done there ’ .
5 He would show the Catholic that the Church is nothing without the Word spoken in the crucifixion .
6 A craftsman is nothing without the exercise of his craft .
7 Nationalism , however powerful the emotion of being in an ‘ imagined community ’ , is nothing without the creation of nations-states , and a world of such states , fitting the present ethnic-linguistic criteria of nationality , is not a feasible prospect today .
8 When there is nothing above your head but the bracing T-bar — fitted as much to provide body rigidity as to anticipate US safety regulations that did not materialise — so much the better .
9 But if there is nothing beyond man . …
10 There is nothing about mere freedom that can guarantee anything .
11 There is nothing about a general right to follow the property over which the trust exists ; the question is purely quantitative .
12 As Roberts notes , ‘ there is nothing about these concepts as such … , which excludes either women or a feminist analysis … but traditionally , studies of sexual divisions have been accorded somewhat low status and certainly seen as peripheral to the central concerns of the subject ’ ( Roberts , 1981b , p. 75 ) .
13 Here there is nothing about tonal values , composition , or any of the phrases which critics and commentators use with such abandon ; merely a straightforward statement of what Bennett sees .
14 For example , there is nothing about people in residential accommodation but several pages on the benefit position of 16- and 17-year-olds .
15 There is nothing about this combination of themes which marks it out as the exclusive preserve of the right .
16 There is nothing about it in the rules !
17 Although some activities can not by their very nature carry charges , there is nothing about social services that leads to such a conclusion .
18 Rivera looked startled and Schellenberg said , ‘ You see , there is nothing about you I do n't know .
19 It is this built-in contradiction and barrier to explication that leads to so much discussion of what Derrida really means by those riddling notions that have become slogans : such as , there is no such thing as perception ; writing is prior to speech ; there is nothing outside the text .
20 There is nothing outside it which can be useful for it but is not specifically necessary for it .
21 Every text is a product of intertextuality , a tissue of allusions to and citations of other texts ; and , in the famous words of Jacques Derrida ( famous to people like Robyn , anyway ) , ‘ il n'y a pas de hors-texte ’ , there is nothing outside the text .
22 But it is perhaps primarily in his assertion that ‘ Il n'y a pas de hors texte ’ ( ‘ There is nothing outside the text/nothing except text ’ ) that he may seem most relevant to literary theory , for in this claim one hears echoes of the principles of a number of the major theories of literature that have emerged in this century .
23 And how we relate within the church and how we relate outside the church although , in essence , there is nothing outside the church there is nothing that that position .
24 At one level , as in all picturings of God 's rule and man 's free will , there is nothing for Porfiry to do ; he just has to sit and wait , which he is good at .
25 There is nothing for me to add ’ .
26 The circulation of air round a depression usually has ‘ fronts ’ or areas of rain associated with it , and when birds , which navigate by being able to see the night sky , meet with a barrier of rain and bad visibility then there is nothing for it but to drop down to the nearest land and wait until conditions improve .
27 The term substantial steps is used because prior to that stage it is generally assumed that there is nothing for the offeror to disclose publicly .
28 If , however , you find yourself carrying three or four such problems it seems clear that there is nothing for it but to go back and attack the first difficulties again .
29 For instance , the reason that to pull someone 's left leg and to kick the large bucket have no normal idiomatic interpretation is that leg and bucket carry no meaning in the idiom , so there is nothing for left and large to carry out their normal modifying functions on ( in general , a modifier needs a semantic constituent to modify ) .
30 There is nothing for it but to taste and to experiment for yourself .
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