Example sentences of "is nothing like " in BNC.

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1 It could just as well have been the 20th birthday of the Eden Gardens tea urn , and as far as the Indian government is concerned , there is nothing like an international cricket tournament for persuading the electorate that , with polling day just around the corner , Rajiv is the boy to vote for .
2 There is nothing like sitting out on a trapeze on a windy day , getting completely soaked by each new wave to make you feel cleansed of the city grime .
3 There is nothing like it in either The German Ideology or Formen .
4 There is nothing like worldly success on the part of one academic to make all the others hate him or her .
5 But American policy is nothing like formed , which explains European complaints that they hear different things from different Americans .
6 Even so , the significance it has for Hobbes is nothing like that which it had for Bacon .
7 She had decided to have a look at the human face of the bogey , and there is nothing like a dog ( the only animal which trusts humans ! ) for starting a conversation .
8 I gave a good class : there is nothing like teaching well for making one forget oneself and one 's petty troubles .
9 Kirishima is nothing like Dana , but he has that male charisma which makes me want to lie in his arms — I feel safer just gloating over his superb body on the television screen .
10 It is strange how we struggle to hold back tears as if our very lives depended upon it ; yet there is nothing like tears — that is , genuine tears , genuinely struggled against — to bring people down to earth ; for now , and at once , Aunt Louise became real : a motherly , rational , human being .
11 The batting , though , is nothing like the force of old , with a lack of runs undermining the West Indies ' World Cup challenge .
12 Traditionalists may huff and puff and say there is nothing like the real thing ; aesthetes may deplore the destruction of mystery ; but for most of us it proves as enthralling as exploring a maze .
13 There is nothing like an organism in the non-living world .
14 Yet we do know , now , that the world 's waters are the world 's essential regulators : of global temperature , and of the chemistry of the atmosphere — which is nothing like so invariable as we might like to suppose .
15 ‘ It is nothing like that .
16 His uncertainty with strangers is nothing like Juanita 's , more the island child 's natural reserve .
17 Her parts often require her to be prim and snooty but she says she is nothing like that in reality .
18 There is nothing like a band of men in their working environment to make a single female feel like a page three Martian .
19 Whilst the attention paid to foreign languages in this country is increasing , it is nothing like the importance of English abroad .
20 There is nothing like having ignorance with the maximum of precision .
21 My mental and emotional states also improved , because there is nothing like continuous pain to make one feel depressed and worn out .
22 A description of the new house was lavish in its praise — ‘ There is nothing like it in the colony .
23 This is nothing like a synchronized , long-distance , man-and-dog walk and should not be confused with it , but it is a minor walk of sorts and demands some interpretation .
24 There is nothing like the thrill a week or two later of being able to get back into clothing that you thought had been discarded forever .
25 But there is nothing like a carefully chosen book to stimulate the examination and reflection which deals with this doubt .
26 The whole emphasis is different and the tackling is nothing like as good here .
27 ‘ He is nothing like the gigolos he plays in the movies .
28 There is nothing like this countryside in the England of the twentieth century ( though rural Ireland is somewhat similar ) .
29 But a spokesman for Wrekin council , which admitted losing 600 protesters ' letters , said : ‘ There is nothing like it in Europe .
30 In fact , the atom is nothing like this ( for example , electrons are likely to be nothing more than ‘ confluences of probability waves ’ — in other words , totally incomprehensible in everyday terms ) , yet what do you think of when you think of an atom ?
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